one, Ry… Tr…m…

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Yo, Gimmick literally had used samples that are his calling card – the goddamn wubs.

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spotify WHY you take so long??!?!

It is already on Spotify. Sadie has two different artist tags. Try searching with the album name :wink:

THANK YOU!! :weary:

To our knowledge its Ryo (drummer of Girugamesh) who’s mixing/producing.


It is :3


Can’t say he is doing a really good job, sadly. Almost making it hard to hear the bass can’t be the sign of a good mixer.


I don’t understand how people say they can’t hear the bass, it sounds great especially on juggernaut and Redline on Rosario aki is carrying the guitars because they have so much high end. Maybe you guys are confusing the bass for the guitar :person_shrugging:

The main job of the bass is to fill in the low end the guitars lack.

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I don’t understand it either. Sure on my earbuds, Aki Stands out a lil more cuz I have the bass EQ setting on. But even on speakers, I can hear him just fine. I feel like Revival of Sadness had songs where he could shine more like SHINGAN and Grieving The Dead Soul. But still I can hear him just fine.

Meh, I get he’s not a favorite on here but in terms of composition, I can tell he’s helped SADIE beef these songs up. So supposed Mixing issues aside, I can stomach that. I’m just happy they’re here and they sound this good.


I never had any issues hearing the bass here. Neither with headphones or even in my my car with its crappy soundsystem so i dont get that issue either.

I am just soo happy the drums sound soo good on both these albums.

They sounded like garbage cans on GANGSTA. So im kinda sad THE NEVER might never get this awesome re-recording treatment cuz that song deserves it


Y’all aint hearing bass? Press × to Doubt.


I know people say he has a same-y sound to his production style… I don’t care, I love it. Sounds like modern metalcore to me


They have same kind of sound like Lynch for exemple. It doesn’t sound bad, it’s just boring each of this band cannot think they should try to be unique and different. It’s a mindset that doesn’t seems to interest them.

I need more time to wrap my head around some of these tracks. This compilation covers a period of Sadie I’m less familiar with. With respect to the bass, I can see both sides. The bass is there but it doesn’t assert itself. Don’t help that the bands in C/C# so all the low-end blends together.

I have a feeling that people who have invested some money into their sound system, whether it’s speakers or headphones, will likely be rewarded with clearer, more precise bass. My feeling on whether there is enough bass or not depends on what I’m using to listen to it - on my HD600’s it’s okay, on my Moondrop Chu 2 it’s slightly muffled, and on my Airpods I can’t get enough bass. Need to test on my Sonos and report back later.


I’m back as promised after I listened on my Sonos. Disclaimer - these aren’t the best speakers in the world, they’re just the best that I have on me. Second disclaimer - I did Trueplay on these.

There is not enough bass on this album. The drum kick overpowers the bass guitar in every single heavy song. When I adjust the settings in the app to raise the bass level, I can feel the impacts of the kick in the floor and in my chest. When I walk up to my subwoofer and put my hand on top of the driver, it moves in time to the kick. But actual bass guitar is quite lacking. Strip away the layers, like in the first verse of Rosario or the opening of daydream, and maybe you can make out some bass guitar deep in the mix.

But there’s no reason why I should have to struggle to make it out.

I went one step further and demuxed the file into stems to take a look at how much bass was able to be isolated. Bottom is bass.

I’ll be honest - I’ve seen worse. This isn’t that bad. When I isolate it, I can hear the bass lines clearly, including some stuff I cannot otherwise hear. The minute I throw the third track on top (guitars), the bass becomes a wallflower.

On my very discerning headphones, I can pick it out if I know what to look for. On my 5.1 surround sound system, I can’t hear or feel it at all.

Leaving a poll for others to weigh in. Please answer both :slight_smile:

Is there enough bass for you on THE REVIVAL OF SADNESS?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
What are you listening on?
  • Bluetooth in-ear monitors
  • Wired in-ear monitors
  • Over the head headphones
  • Speakers or studio monitors
  • Other (please specify)
0 voters
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Because I can never leave well enough alone, I made a video with my preferred balance. Let me know your thoughts.

One thing I wanted to add is that I had to do a lot of work to stop the clipping. Even though it’s not audible, my DAW reports that there’s a ton of clipping present in the mastered version of the track.

Here’s a dry run of the tracks with no adjustment. Every red line is a clip:

Absolute brickwall. An LUFS of -2.8 is super loud.

Here’s what it looks like when I’m done with it:

@news, got any ideas as to what happened here?

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Holy fucking shit, how many compressors and dyna-racks did Ryo emulate?

One of each?

I’m not sure exactly what his flow is, but it’s reminiscent of mid-00’s “push everything to the limit” loudness wars. I countered most of the clipping by turning down everyone else a few decibels, but I didn’t want to change the final result too much. What do you think of the video?

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Clipping and loud mix become a part of the sound of this generation. Unfortunately.

I think the more people gonna hear this kind of music, the less they gonna be sensitive, appreciate dynamic songs.