Selling CD/DVD rarez

Today I am selling rarez

Please look at the doc for pricing! I accept Cashapp and Paypal for payment! Please send me a DM if you want to buy something. Shipping IS included with payment.

Belmosaic - 知らない空 PV
Quinstet - Scene of the Dictator
Quinstet - Wings Abreast
Quinstet - 未開の地
Quinstet - OKEANOS
The Crime - CODE OF ZERO
Inpossiable - Inpossiable
GALDIAH - the Beginning
Since Fall Sin - Black Fly
Since Fall Sin - Regret


This spreadsheet looks familiar is in my gdrive history under JRD’s gmail and it’s also from 2019. If you guys are working together, all is good, but potential buyers may want some clarification.

He took over my spreadsheet. He has full control over everything, since I gave him almost all my stuff. Anything added since then is his.


I took it over!

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Rarez arrived today, thanks @JRD @Yukina!


No problem!