Share your sport activity routine!

Holy shit y’all are intense and organized, I just practice Pripara choreography all afternoon while singing to exercise breath control and shit.


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This shit lol

I have a violently clashing music taste to say the least but it’s mostly Japanese shit (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠• ⁠)

I wanna be a vocalist but since I’m hyper asf I wanna dance like crazy too, so easy level breath control is how I’ll start off

Srsly, it takes effort to achieve ur dreams, I’m already good enough when it comes to the composing, mixing and vocal part of my music. But I wanna take it a step further to make sure if I ever go live, I wanna make it fun. It’s a workout to me lol. Not stopping till I finally can sing while moving like this without sounding out of breath, then I’ll move on to the next difficulty

Are you trying for an idol girl group or something? @rikahanachan :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Started hydrotherapy this week (pool physio) and it feels like a freaking marathon a few hours later. I’m trying to think of everything possible to ease the strain on my spine and feel comfortable at least for a little bit. Might as well climb all the ladders in the park lol

Babymetal but I wear pastel kawaii shit and I do piglet squeals and guttural screaming type shit lol

Damnnnnn, like I said, y’all really hardworking

lmao sounds fun :love_you_gesture:

If you don’t wanna die then gotta exercise what can I say. Now I really must.

And some people say losing weight is offensive and useless like the benefits don’t even exist lol

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