SHAZNA new album will be released at 2024/08/27.
Part of me thinks it’s cool. Another part of me saw their live on Music Champ on Dec 30th, and felt it was bittersweet watching. Dudes are not getting any younger, and it shows… Not easy to pull off the drag thing with class when you’re pushing 50, and sadly Izam is no Kaya. Still hoping for some fun and light hearted tunes, and that this comeback will be more succesful than the previous attempt!
Melty Love (2024 vers.) is coming
Wrinkly Love
he looks way better in dim/neon lighting of that live, and new dark weave off this picture compared to what’s out there on youtube from their 2023 TV appearance, lol.
the other two guys obv. don’t look as 𝓼𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓱 and manicured as the queen, but they still hold up well, tbh.
This song gets sadder with every passing year
Because still meltyin lul
title of their new album has been finalized as “参華三釼” (Sanka Mitsurugi)
Incredibly, I liked it. But IZAM dont overcome this kind of clothes style lol
I mostly just stick to their old (pre-major) stuff, but this new song is quite nice!
01 一角獣 -モノケロス-
02 夏彩マジック
04 無花果-ichijiku-
05 愛呋𠂊系
06 コイノテンポ
07 隣人ラヴストーリー
09 キスのカタチ
10 パブラヴァ -Bubble Lover-
Cute! I’m just happy they’re still making music. It’s nothing groundbreaking, but it’s a nice listening all the same.
It seems to me a disrespect for fans not to include a new version of Melty Love…
Izam looks like a random heavy-makeup granny who owns and runs a tiny pub.