special new project "神様が僕達に天罰を下す刻" (Kamisama ga bokutachi ni tenbatsu o kudasu koku) has formed

Kagami has said that this project will not interfere with Dexcore’s activities (and I think it’s safe to trust that considering his previous work with Cazqui etc - which still hasn’t been released! - and his side gig making music for other people). That said I’m not really sure how this came to be and I’m rarely a fan of multiple vocalists unless one does cleans and one does screams, and Kagami is amazing at both. I guess we’ll see what the rest of the EP has to offer.

Also the video was re-upped because of encoding issues, that’s why the original is not accessible any more.

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They spent too much but they will surely impress a lot of 14 year olds


Actually, I watched that MV on its release date, but somehow, I had to many thoughts in my mind about it, that I couldn’t figure out where to start. And I still don’t know. XD
I guess it’s easier to begin with the song itself.

As other ones already said, it sounds somehow like Dexcore. It’s likely that Kagami once wrote the song. For me it sounds like he wants to practice in duets, singing and also writhing. Although Kagami already done duets for cover songs, it’s something completely different interpretating an existing song and writing one yourself. For Dexcore songs Kagami sings different melodies interacting with each other to make the chorus sounds richer, but it’s always his own voice being overlaid. From that point of view, I totally understand, why he wants to work with another vocalist. Sadly, it turned out to be a bit too based on Kagamis vocal performance. For my opinion Miyuu is too colourless in this song, not that I know anything about his usual work, he just doesn’t stand out. Maybe it would have been better to choose two different pitches of voice, one high one low. Just my guessing.

The song itself sounds good, not absolutely stunning, but not bad either. They all did a good job, you can tell, they’re skilled.

Now the video…

As much as l wanted to see Kagami in a proper VK outfit, I couldn’t stop laughing about it. It somehow looks off, not because it doesn’t suit him, it’s his acting in it. His movements are the same as in his Dexcore outfits, but it looks ridiculous here (too hard, too manly XD), just completely out of place. I had the feeling he didn’t even know what to do next to Miyuu. I can’t complain about the other ones, they were right on point.
But everything else was… crap! Hell, I can’t remember seeing a video as bad as this one over the last years. XD
I worry that I turn out to be too mean, if I would list everything what I seriously think about that video. On the other hand, I laughed so much, that I have to admit, that I indeed was entertained!

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Good luck on any foreigners being able to pronounce their name. Also this is the second most depressing news I’ve heard today.

Lol, how did I miss this?
Randomly decided to check vkgy and I saw Kagami had another project listed and it turns out its a idolkei project with a light novel band name :joy:
Song is ok and visuals are a so ‘bad it’s good’ situation. Kagami give strong Nosferatu vibes in this :smile:

yo, weren’t they supposed to release an ep about a year ago? and did they held any live performances or this simply fizzed out?

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what does the bands name mean? “God this is a long ass title”?

I thought I was the only one that remembered, I really enjoyed the song but it was like they came out of nowhere announced an EP then vanished without a word… Then Cazqui’s Brutal Orchestra still hasn’t released anything (not counting music videos) since they gave away the button eyes temporarily(which i missed because of misinformation) at the end of 2022 even though i remember them talking about an album as if it would be coming out soon as well as a song featuring Mio from NAZARE, where’s that at?.. Since DEXCORE has slowed down recently I was hoping maybe one of these projects might finally release something but doesn’t seem like it.

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As I know, they had a few gigs, but I always wondered why Kagami wasn’t promoting any of those.
He worked several times for Iria last year to write songs and even to direct a MV for one of Irias girl bands, but I think that specific project faded pretty fast.

Well i think i am the only one that noticed this but the PV is take down from youtube. What a project ig…

That PV is still up.
For whatever reason they took it down and replaced it shortly after they aired it. Maybe you just happened to click the old youtube link.

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