Jack Spooky (ex.The Candy Spooky Theater) has officially announced the end of his solo project Spook Jack as of 4/30.
Hadn’t it been a few years since he put something out?
I only found out through this news about his project. And that he’s been working with Full the past few years! Currently having a listen and i like this one. https://finch-liqueur-records.bandcamp.com/track/never-end
Awww, sad to hear, even if I didn’t rly listen to his solo stuff. I wonder if he’ll do any music in the future again (maybe in bands?).
Ooh nice, looking forward to what he has cooking!
Thank God he’s ok at least!
He announced on instagram The Candy Spooky Theater having and Friday 11/1/2024 so possibly a revival?
I noticed he kept updating the Candy Spooky Theater’s twitter page, I’m glad something actually came out of it!
with it being a one day revival its still exciting:smiling_face: (hoping for a new release )
how exciting!!!
Damn, now I’ll have to choose between Candy Spooky Theater and Dezert Party Volume 1, but I think I know what I’m going with…
to hear a 2024 version of nightmare would be such a dream <3 jealous of anyone gets to go to this show!
The Peggy minions can rest at last
Awesome that they got Zull on board, too!
Video that came across my twitter feed in case anyone was curious to see a bit of the show
Goddd it looks like so much fun i wish i could have been there :o
Happy Birthday to Jack Spooky! He will perform solo on 2/24~
bald and bold bald and bold!! he looks like genet from auto-mod. HBD!