Spook Jack has ended activities + The Candy Spooky Theater one-day revival

Jack Spooky (ex.The Candy Spooky Theater) has officially announced the end of his solo project Spook Jack as of 4/30.


Hadn’t it been a few years since he put something out?

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I only found out through this news about his project. And that he’s been working with Full the past few years! Currently having a listen and i like this one. https://finch-liqueur-records.bandcamp.com/track/never-end
Sad :frowning:


Awww, sad to hear, even if I didn’t rly listen to his solo stuff. I wonder if he’ll do any music in the future again (maybe in bands?).

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He mentioned on his instagram story that he would be working on something soon.


Ooh nice, looking forward to what he has cooking! :eyes:

Thank God he’s ok at least!

He announced on instagram The Candy Spooky Theater having and Friday 11/1/2024 so possibly a revival?


I noticed he kept updating the Candy Spooky Theater’s twitter page, I’m glad something actually came out of it!


with it being a one day revival its still exciting​:smiling_face: (hoping for a new release :grimacing:)

how exciting!!! :skull::white_heart:

Damn, now I’ll have to choose between Candy Spooky Theater and Dezert Party Volume 1, but I think I know what I’m going with…

their live on 11/1 will be a oneman at Club Malcolm

Vo.Jack Spooky
Ba.Peggy Giggles


to hear a 2024 version of nightmare would be such a dream <3 jealous of anyone gets to go to this show!

The Peggy minions can rest at last :grimacing:
Awesome that they got Zull on board, too!

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