sukekiyo - Ius Cerebri / Sinistro Cerebrum

I got my copy of the limited edition today, and I just realized I can’t rip it to my laptop… because I bought a new laptop back in March and it doesn’t have a CD drive, lol. My car doesn’t have a CD player either.

Just ordered an external USB drive. Should be here tomorrow.


New sesshoku and naburi are awesome

I honestly think they butchered Naburi.


They fuckin’ ruined it. Agreed.

I like the new zephyr

1.valentina is very similar to the demo version. i liked
2.sheshokku has very different arrangements from the demo and from the last live performances. i liked
3.I have mixed feelings about zephyr. I really like the original version and the TK version. I liked the chorus effects they put in this one, but that moment after 4:18 is strange to me.
4. And finally, with Naburi it seems a bit closer to the “remakes” of DEG from the Unraveling era. I liked it quite a bit, it’s like they’ve taken a different base from Adoratio, but not in a bad way. I think it’s the track that surprised me the most and that I liked the most out of the 4.

Another thing. Is it known if the compilation has “remastering”? Or am I crazy or do I hear the songs from Inmortalis and Vitium differently.

I want them to release a BD of the “Tsumetai Chinmoku” concert. hat streaming version is not enough for me.

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i only made it to focus before getting bored but absolutely yes, they’re all remastered, at least the older tracks are. I haven’t heard anything since Candis so idk for those, but the first 7 sound re-mixed not just remastered.

everything i heard seems ‘grander’ for lack of a better word, the mix is a lot better. Kyo’s autotunes are a lot more carefully tuned - someone must have gone in and automated formant shifting in a way they hadn’t before bc the unnatural ‘singing with a cold’ effect is almost completely gone; they’ve really done impressive work making crazy voices sound more natural.

In general separation between instruments is much clearer, there’s less bleed from one’s range to another and i can pick out what everyone’s doing more clearly.
the tracks i heard from Infinitum have the TIW-esque mid-boost super-compression dialed back, basically gone, and they sound like the rest of the tracks on this compilation.

Which is a lot to say all the atmosphere’s flattened out, at least to my ears, and all the context and character is muted.

off-this-topic, but i really want to know how/why i love the gauze remakes so much when i’m (personally) so opposed to almost every other remake/mix/master


Came to say that I also think Naburi was ruined.

Oh yeah, and new Zephyr sounds cold and noisy. The wall of Kyos and the synth strings clutter up the space the original had, and it’s odd that the nuances of the bass playing are more prominent, yet the overall mix lacks bottom end and warmth. The slight dip in tempo is weird too.


The mixing was done by Tue Madsen on all songs except En and aftermath on CD1, which were done by Koji Maruyama. And on CD, he did all of them except Madara Ningen and in all weathers, which again were mixed by Koji Maruyama, as well as Sesshoku, which was mixed by Yasuyuki Hara.

Koji Maruyama also mastered all songs on both discs, at Bernie Grundman Mastering in Tokyo.
The recording studio was studio SUNSHINE for both discs and lab.L for CD1, additonally. Engineered by Keisuke Kamata.


This collection just solidifies how much I love this band. To be completely enthralled by a two disc compilation of songs I’ve already heard before is rare. Except for Creeper. Creeper sucks.

I’m also putting Yuuchi and Mika at the top of the list for best rhythm section in VK.


Zephyr - I can take it or leave it if speaking about instrumental, but I do prefer how Kyo sounds in this remake.
Sesshoku - I don’t recall how OG and live Sesshoku sound (especially since, for some reason, no one bothered to upload them on youtube?), but this version sounds a bit empty/subdued? And I definitely don’t remember it having a guitar solo. Need to re-listen to comprehend this one.
Naburi - okay what the fuck they were thinking with that guitar tone. It’s like they threw away all the nuance and just smacked my ears with the brick. I also agree with others about Naburi being Unraveling’ed - they dumbified it while adding a fuckton of unnecessary solos.

It was just released digitally: sukekiyo’s new audio & video collection 『Ius Cerebri』『Sinistro Cerebrum』 to be released digitally | sukekiyo official web site


new naburi is good, actually


It seems the favorite child is ADORATIO and the ugly duckling was VITIUM. Suprised EROSIO got three songs with how recent that release was (it should be four, Margaret would fit nicely in Ius Cerebri)

I got my copy of the deluxe delivered yesterday. Haven’t watched the video material yet, but everything else is solid.

For the music, the new naburi and sesshoku are my jam. This recording of Candis is better than the one I had.
Zephyr is nice, but the layered vocals are kinda distracting to me.
Everything else is solid, but I question if it was really worth the money given that the other tracks don’t necessarily sound remixed or remastered.

Finding out that the nestream card was basically useless to me in the US definitely was a bummer. I tried really hard to make an account I could watch it with and effectively locked myself out of ever being able to use it.


I think Vitium has less songs because it’s a shorter album. Plus two of the nine songs are just interludes.

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I never really saw the point in getting this. After getting their standard albums there are literally only 4 or 5 songs not already included so seems like a waste of time to me.

I only bought erosio, so I’m considering getting this one. The regular editions tho, it’s impossibly expansive for me the limited edition

I watched the DVD last night, and there’s a nice “sukekiyo 2013-2024” video. It shows clips of the band from their first ever performances, with a least one clip for every year of activity.
It’s wild to see how they evolved. From the early days of wearing all black and not having much of a stage presence up until today. There’s a stark shift when Anima came out and Kyo started wearing the unique outfits.

All in all, a pretty nice look back at the last decade (+1)