the GazettE 20th anniversary best of album "HETERODOXY-DIVIDED 3 CONCEPTS-" release

I get where you came from, they are probably going for “VESTIGE of SCRATCHES” style of release with triple disc. in which they would get a bunch different composers remastering their tracks, with some rerecorded tracks throwing in. which dosen’t make any sense unless they are willing give disc 1 a full spot for their pre-nil era which makes disc 2 completely redundant since they already had traces volume .1

Edit: i was right in everything EXCEPT the rerecording part AND the pre NIL Era Part.
Just what in the fucking hell is this!?

Edit #2
alright y’know what?
here’s the comparison between the rerelease and the spooky box
setlist as disc 2 and 3 is based on that one