the GazettE new release "THE WINTER" and tour

It’s most likely an album.

I saw one person who attended who wrote down what got said during the MC’s and there it states album. But of course I don’t know whether Ruki exactly used that word or it’s just the interpretation of the person who wrote that down, because they expect the release to be an album.

But since MASS came out 2021.05.26 it’s very very likely.

And yeah, last time with singles was DOGMA, but they came out after the album (Ugly and Undying).
The last time with first a real single (not these digital one-song releases) was Fadeless ahead of Beautiful Deformity in 2013.


Even when they did in dome it wasn’t at full capacity.


Really??? It looked so full. I thought it was full capacity and sold really well. I had such a bad place. So far away from the stage :see_no_evil: and everything in front of seemed was full.
And honestly having it experienced once was cool, sure… but I would always choose smaller venues over Dome and even Budokan as a Fan. View is just terrible for a big part of the audience.

I heard it was like 1/3 full. They pushed everyone to the front to make it seem like it was really full. I’m not sure how true that number is though.

I think that’s just cope from people that tried to belittle them. You can watch the blu ray footage on Crunchyroll and the place is pretty packed, the seats and the standing area as well.

I don’t think it was promoted as “sold out”, but it’s closer to 90% than to 1/3.


I watched it in TikTok cos someone uploaded it. Yes it looks very packed. When they say “not at full capacity” they could be referring to the seats facing the backstage

Yeah but that capacity is only used for sport events, I assume. If you can’t see the stage no music act would use this capacity and than it wouldn’t make much sense to frame it like that. I am having a deja-vu. I think we had that discussion before here that people claimed it did not sell well but all the members here who went said the opposite :sweat_smile:


I was there and didn’t see any cams so I doubt that. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Ticketmaster has been selling those seats at insane prices in the West. This is for a NIN concert.

AI and Dynamic Pricing sucks.

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Is it possible to keep the hope for a world tour this year? I guess no🤔

I’m glad Japan doesn’t do all this weird AI pricing shit.
The seats behind the Tokyo Dome stage aren’t sold. Same goes for budokan.

Just going off what I know from L’Arc-en-Ciel’s Dome lives this year, which were sold out. The areas behind the stage were all covered up. They had some reduced-price seats with bad views of the stage that were added after the shows were completely sold out. (Like the equivalent of the 117 and 110 seats in your seat map)

For Luna Sea’s oneman at Dome, they only sold seats that had a clear view of the stage - there were two lighting pillars in somewhere around the back of the Arena, so all seats and blocks with views that would be obstructed by the pillars were covered up and not for sale either.

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