THE MADNA new single "sweet dream" release

I’m always amazed by the stupidity of people who buy views but can’t afford likes and comments — they don’t seem to realize that it’s hurting them in the long run when it comes to algorithm recommendations


Oh, that explains the low view/like(0.6-2 while others have ~5%) ratio on other videos as well

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Their worst song so far

personally this is my favourite A-Side from them.
it is a colourful composition
it has energy and nice melodies
there is definitely a problem with the synths giving the guitar hardly place to breathe.
But already the bass being so lively turns it even for me.
the visual is lame but this time it at least didn’t teased a possible heaviness it didn’t had in the end. It is just energetic Oshare fun.


Terrible MV but the song is so, so, soooo good! Can’t stop listening to it.

They don’t have a single not good song :frowning: Such an underrated band

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While I do agree the bleep blop is tuned a bit louder than it should be, there’s a pretty good song down there, I really like it!

really hope spotify less whacky quality gives it a bump in the right direction


they do something new every time!! love this song! i can’t lie but i cried soooo much when they performed this for the first time. they had amazing lights and lasers. atmosphere was breathing :+1:

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New page for THE MADNA translations just launched! You can find all lyrics here! Lyrics, interviews etc. I can tell their lyrics are quiet INTERESTING. from motivational words to drugs references :sweat_smile: Let’s connect :smiling_imp::fire:


Saving the associated tumblr so I can read lyrics when posted, thanks for sharing. Really hoping for 空虚 lyrics soon!

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The album covers look nice but they look like they could be from some More or 9Goatsblackout release.
They really are bad in staying in one cohesive visual style, huh?

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they are mix band. members told that they really wanted to do a mix band once in a lifetime. they rap, they do punkrock and on the stage they are a literally a comedy show :joy::heart: i love how various they are!

you can’t predict them when it comes to new music and i think it’s cool

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  1. sweet dream
  3. 東京 lonely girl [type B only]
  4. Sugar trip [type C only]

sweet dream (PV) [type A only]


i thought i’d share this. their looks for today’s monthly show were pretty interesting XD every month they have show with a specific theme. one member decides themes for end of month show. today was Takashi’s theme - Otakus… :rofl:
during show people were moshing and gyakudai’ing a lot. they also start to do wall of deaths~


This was their recent limista sign event! They signed post cards this time. Next time they will sign CDs!
Who’s going to join? Anyone from overseas can join!

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5 posts were split to a new topic: THE MADNA - sweet dream

REMINDER: April 30th THE MADNA will have online sign even! it’s so worth it to participate!

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“in a sweet dream” tour final at Harajuku RUIDO was SOLD OUT~ hall of 300 people capacity was packed! i’m so happy they are finally getting deserved attention!

Ryota was saying he couldn’t believe today he’s actually in a vkei band and playing in Harajuku. His dream came true. Now he has bigger dreams like performing in bigger halls and going abroad!


full online instore here:

more i watch this more it’s funny. they are ridiculous. making fun of fan names, forcing Tomo to do cute poses etc… absolute good watch~

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