I’ve been really enjoying this show for the past 98% of my life. I’m obsessed with it. I’m not saying to troll this, be ironic, or play a character in any way btw, in all honesty, I’m completely obsessed with The Teletubbies. It’s quite worrying and bizarre as a 25yo male to be so into these humanoid colourful living plushies, but it’s how it is.
I’ve actually been imagining the Teletubbies to be a vk band lol. I think that Tinky-Winky would be the vocalist, Dipsy the guitarist, Laa-Laa the bassist, and Po the drummer. It would be so cool to have a Teletubbies-themed VK look for any band for a MV, live, photoshoot, release, cosplay, etc. It’s my dream. Maybe GOLDEN BOMBER would do this. IDK.
I know, knowing my topics in the past, that this seems like a troll for attention, or some bored bullcrap topic, but all I say here is true and I cannot stop thinking about Teletubbies or sing the main theme.
Why? Because no!
Seeing a therapist is for serious illness related topics and not what people constantly make some deep interest/obsession into one. It has nothing to do with being ill, with being negatively affected by it. Not more than any other game, music or whatever obsession lots of people have. This constant reference to it being a mental health thing is so harmful for how actual mental health issues get seen and treated and the people who truly suffer from them.
I don’t relate to this certain obsession but if people enjoy it, go for it. What’s better than enjoying something you really like? That’s the best mental health thing that can happen.