This is me

Hi every one :slight_smile:

I am new to this side. I stumbled upon it while looking for tour infos of vk bands and was so glad to find a forum dedicated to j-rock. Lately I got really tiered of social media and was longing for good old forums. The website I used to go to has been very silent about j-music relsted stuff, so finding this was really refreshing.

I have been into vk since 2004 but I tend to stuck to things I know so I am not that deep into newer stuff since there were some years when I was not super invested. But I would love some recommendations.

I like Diru and Gaze (not very surprising, I know) but I think my faves where D’espairsRay and hide :smiling_face_with_tear: I listen to many more but not that much thst I would know a lot of their discography. Lately I enjoy Xanvala and I want to go deeper into Mantenro Opera and Jiluka (I fell in love Sena’s instagram post :joy:).

Oh and I love PV’s so I am really into the ‘visual’ part of VK.

Oh and count all the j-music concerts/festivals I have been to. Currently at 47, tickets for 48 and 49 already bought and excited to see which one will be number 50 :partying_face:


To our Forum.
Nice to have you here.

They were mine too :face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears:

I hope you gonna have fun at your 48th and 49th concerts.

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Hi, nice to meet you :hugs: and welcome to the forum :tada:
D’esparirsRay were one of the first bands I listened to and after that I started listening to some other Jrock bands. I see, you wanna go deeper into Matenrou Opera’s music? Been listening to them since 2008 and they are still great with what they are doing. Also I can recommend you another great symphonic metal band called Versailles if you don’t know them already.

Wish you a good time here and hoping you can find many more interesting bands :smiley:

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