The new album from Unlucky Morpheus’ side project finally is out. And I’ll be blunt - I could not sit through the whole thing. I lasted until TRAUMATA with FUKI. That I think is the best song on the whole album. It’s what this album should have been - which is FUKI and Shiren together. Shiren as a vocalist isn’t interesting enough to keep my attention the whole time, even if the instrumentals are just Unlucky Morpheus in disguise.
I hope this is a fun side project and not the end of UM.
what is DEATH?
baby pls hurt me, pls hurt me, more more. Yeah, I see no reasons why this couldn’t be released under UM name.
Slave Domination
Starts quick and heavy, like it… but it does feel a bit generic. To be fair, you can also get rid of violins and not much will change. That chorus needs some clean vocals, and Shiren just can’t provide them? Or smth. Maybe that’s why vocals are mixed so quietly, because they’re definitely not the main star of the show. Instrumentally this kicks ass, but in a generic way. Eh.
Get out of the cage
Just go full djent for this song, ffs. I guess, instrumentally and vocally it’ll be the same shit, so I better discuss song structures and stuff? Yeah, it’s alright. As in innoffensive. THIS CHORUS NEEDS A CLEAN/GENTLE VOICE, GOD DAMMIT. Yeah, they can rename themselves as Unfittingly Obvious. Will it be just a bunch of single-esque material stitched together to make an album?
The Other Cosmos
Okay, now we’re gettting a marching rhythm in this one… and nope, it’s the same shit again. Woke up at the violin solo, it is good. Oh. It’s a clean guitar + violin. I guess, them speeding up for a bit was a nice change of pace (ha). Definitely would prefer the whole song being that speedy.
o_O Alright, Ogawa takes the spotlight in this one! Juicy and ominous bass, megusta!.. it’ll be ironically stupid if in the end I’ll like all the instrumentals and not the rest.
TRAUMATA (feat. Fuki)
Somewhat sudden, but still a logical transition. Okay, now we can hear Fuki and that reminds me why Unlucky Morpheus are so interesting to me. Still, TRAUMATA sounds much more badass for recent UM, I guess. So, I guess it fits in here a bit better.
Don’t return to sanity
Yeah, I definitely won’t return to sanity after this album. Wasn’t expecting some electronics in this one. Somewhat more headbangable (purely due to the rhythm), but god damn it, Jill is so unnecessary in here. THIS CREEPY FAIRYTALE MOOD WOULD BE PERFECT IN UM, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH IT HERE!?
At least it is different a bit, can give it that. And yeah, I’m ignoring Shiren’s vocals already.
Das Rätsel der Götter : Fata Morgana
HAHA, no. Typical as fuck. Wait. Why do I recognize this tune? Also, that’s a name of some book. Alright.
Undeveloped Land
It is nice they wrote a song about my country. Alright, previous instrumental’s violin is being played here as well, that’s why. I probably listened to it once/twice when they released an MV… and it is nothing special. Should I be making a lyncharoni reference here?
PLS SAVE ME FROM BOREDOM. I was putting highest hope in this song alone. Starts more ominous, definitely like the violin here & those, uh, hoping synths. Those farting guitars, tho? Not my cup of tea. YES, THAT SOLO AND INSTRUMENTALS, THIS IS THE PART I WAS WAITING FOR! Thank you Shiren for shutting up. Chorus’ melody sounds too generic, but I can live with it. Although, I don’t like who they gangvocal the title in every freaking song. STILL. I can put this on repeat.
want to LIVE
Oh. And the song they debuted back in… 2023? Smth smth SHIREN FROM UM - want to LIVE. Fast & agressive & very casual melodic deathmetal, it didn’t impress me that much. From what I can hear, they re-recorded it? It is alright, but they could have released it as a single with some b-sides and I would appreciate this kind of release more.
It is boring as fuck. Generic as fuck. Shiren’s vocals get stale after a couple of songs. Instrumentally it is tight, but, again, generic as fuck.
Artroid Feelings is my jam, but the rest can be ignored.
Seeing all the negativity about this album on this forum, I didn’t expect much of it, but I started listening to it, and just couldn’t put it down. Went through the whole thing in one sitting. I agree that Shiren’s vocals can barely carry a whole album, but musically, it’s just so good, it easily makes up for it. It helps that the vocals aren’t very prominent in the mix, it almost feels like an instrumental UM album. I really liked it. When I finished it, I immediately went back to listen again to some songs. I think my favorites are Don’t return to sanity and ARTROID FEELINGS. Certainly one of the highlights of the year for me.