vistlip new maxi-single "Act" release

vistlip new maxi-single “Act” will be released at 2021/04/28 (3 types)

vister edition (1980yen) will include CD (1 song) and DVD including “Act” MV
lipper edition (1320yen) will include CD (2 songs)
anime edition (1100yen) will inlude CD (1 song, instrumental and TV-size ver.)


  1. Act
  2. John Doe [lipper edition only]
  3. Act オリジナルカラオケ [anime edition only]
  4. Act TVサイズ [anime edition only]

“Act” will be ending theme of TV-anime “デュエルマスターズ キング” (Duel Masters King)


Cant wait!!!