What do you guys listen to when studying or working?

Me personally I listen to no pains no gains by Malice Mizer or sometimes Dir en grey or other stuff, I can name a lot, to be honest. I’m interested in knowing what you guys listen to (I might as well even try to listen to it when I have the time during classes.)


Almost always the Genshin impact OST
Sometimes Hizaki when I need to block out sounds arround me

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JDK Band’s music, Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel’s OST, Gurren Lagann’s OST as well as their Character’s custom themes, and GazettE’s Stacked Rubbish Album.


I don’t do 2 things at the same time.

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Just a friendly reminder here, school is important, so study well please and stop listening to music in class.

Listening to VK won’t pay your bills later in life.


Thank you!!! I just sort of wanted some fun here and I’m sure everyone knows that listening to music during class time is sometimes not okay or it can be okay depending on what you’re doing. As a person who ACTUALLY studies hard for my studies even though I am a little bit behind on some work, music is actually pretty helpful for me when it comes to work.

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my work is typing typing and typing, so the music is often extreme metal and -core, usually chiptune, sometimes synthwave. visual kei music? I have to concentrate on them, they’re the entrée.
well, except learning languages. its priority is above all other activities, so no music playing during my language course.

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Classical music is the best to me while i am studying