"What the hell is this actually?" music/lyric video

simply post all the akward, the bad, the maybe even funny or charming in its own way.


I actually laughed out loud at the second one. This is going to be an excellent thread :smiley:


Zigzag again:

And also, where would any of us be if not for Sendai Kamotsu?

And My Dragon


iconic maria. i regularly play this as music wars and got it banned at work (real)

i love access but like their 90s videos were so bizzarre. horses in the desert, SPACESHIP?, dramatic keytar solos, questionable outfits, passionate english words as the beginning chorus. its basically japanese erasure or japanese wham! also the bizarre mix of green screen and real locations???

this and “this is a pen.” are my favourite ensoku songs, i remember being like ‘what the hell 10/10’. love the homage to slasher horror, the acting is just chefs kiss. the gigantic empty field, the death scenes, the absolutely no blood… classic.