What video are you watching on YouTube?


Guys, I need this to be good. It doesn’t have to be mind-blowingly amazing, I just need it to not suck. I’ve been a One Piece fan for like 14-15 years and if this sucks I might actually cry.

It looks like they are actually trying hard to translate the original into a different format and stay true to the source material. It’s already better looking than Cowboy Bepop, which was an absolute trainweck.

I am still sceptical about it actually working. Manga, especially Shonen and Fantasy Manga, are a very hard medium to translate into Live Action. One Piece especially has really out there characters and action scenes that may end up looking really bad and trashy in a realistic depiction (and without super great CGI and a high budget).

From what I’ve read this is one of the most, if not the most expensive Netflix production to date, so I hope the budget is enough. Some quick googling tells me that they seem to have a budget of $9-10mil per episode?
I had no faith in Cowboy Bebop, so much so that I didn’t even watch it, but since Oda has been involved in this production to some extent (unlike what they did with Cowboy Bebop) I have a very vague hope that this won’t be as bad as some previous adaptations… Like, at least the end result will be what Oda himself has been envisioning?
I just really want to like this… :persevere:

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I love getting shit like this recommended for no apparent reason

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A work of art.


this is the best thing i’ve seen in a while

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Vocal fry is such a normal part of Finnish that I only became aware that it’s a thing/has a name a few months ago.
Now I constantly hear myself doing it, especially if I’m tired or relaxed, and wonder if people are finding me annoying :sob: (Probably not, since I mainly speak with other Finnish people who are used to it, but oh man it’s going to be awkward as hell if I ever have to talk to an English speaking person for more than 2 sentences)

10/10 Vanilla. Gackt would be proud.


Drumeo series where professional drummers hear a drum-less song for the first time that is outside their genre and come up with the drum parts for the song. I super want to see a VK song on there. The closest one so far is the latest one which already threw the drummer off in tone and speed.

I kinda want to see a take on a Versailles or a Kiryu song. With all the random shenanigans that can occur in a VK song, I think it would be fun to watch.

I’m going to be wary of this until the end credits of the last episode, but I’m cautiously optimistic? At least everything looks good.
Just please don’t suck :sob: :sob:

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