Which band in your opinion is absolutely the worst? and why?

just now tried to come back to this and it looks like the singer copyrighted it, rip

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Lol, the ex members are prob so embarrassed by this they figured they’d have to block it so that no one can listen to this.


I can’t comment on which band is the worst because music taste is highly subjective. Everyone has different preferences and evaluations of music, and music has different values ​​in different periods and cultures. A band may be considered classic by some and not to their liking by others.

Music is an art form that allows artists to express their emotions, opinions and ideas. Each band has its own unique sound and style, and their music can trigger different emotions and resonances, depending on the listener’s personal experiences and preferences.

In terms of music evaluation, the best way is to respect everyone’s views and preferences, keep an open mind, and try different types and styles of music to expand your musical horizons. Even if a band isn’t to someone’s taste, their music can profoundly affect someone else, and that’s the beauty of music.


I remember doing literal internet gymnastics to try and find it again :sob:

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Some of these takes I gotta agree with 100% and it makes me happy that some people still have some standards. Dazzlingbad or like robokaeru are so bad that it is kind of their gimmick right? so I cannot really mention them as being terrible/weird is their selling point maybe.

There have been some bands I have played with over the years that made me think “what in the actual f*** am I looking at???” probably the worst overall was DEVILbarats (not really vkei but vkei adjacent)
they were so bad and then the singer girl went to dead center front row after their set and proceeded to do super dramatic furi in an annoying way like “look at me still!!” when other band was playing. It annoyed one of our fans so much that she went vkei karen mode.


Gosh, I watched the live of Devilbarats and it was quite bad

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haha right? my brain legit erased the memory of their sound to protect myself.

Dazzlingbad, can’t stand the whiny ass robotic voice of the vocalist. Makes it unlisteneable for me. The whole thing just seems like a waste.

Usually I really like it and find it interesting when vocalists experiment with their voice and do all sorts of wacky stuff with it, but in this case it just sounds like an angry mosquito trying to enter my ear canal and I hate it.


JILUKA… their guitar sounds “plastic”, almost “Guitar Pro” like lol. nothing wrong with the tracks, but the mastering is kinda questionable for me.

even though, I still love them cuz I’m a corekid. as a Chinese proverb goes “爱之深,责之切”.