Try your luck via buying 3 trading cards (32 different cards available) at 1000 yen a pop to get those 2 cards with the DL link! Or just spend 10000 yen to get all 32!
Buy 3 movie DL cards at 2000 yen a piece to get 9 video clips in total! Comes with a magnet for every card!
Only applicable to Japanese credit cards!
And yes, I’m being sarcastic throughout this post, coming from a fan whom bought their every previous digital releases. But this takes the cake.
Maybe they are available in some elusive forum that I’m not privy to but off the top of my head, the 2 tracks that came with the 2009 XA-VAT tour pamphlet & 4 tracks that came with attending the 2022 XA-VAT concert & 2 tracks that came with attending the 2024 XA-VAT concert & the 2nd version of TV (all tracks re-recorded) were never leaked.
…2009 phamplet? They formed in 2010 LOL
As far as I know they dist. 2 in 2010 (matte black and crocodile pattern vinyl like),but they didn’t contain any QR(s).The 2019 one does(a 2 early ver.of VAT-COMMUNICATION)