Finally creating the topic here! Sorry for my poor expression/grammar.
Previously I’ve updated about their crowdfunding campaign in a separate thread, but I decided to make a new one bearing in mind that this will have more updates in the future.
Now, having already hit 100% of their goal, yazzmad has added a target of funding the creation of a music video.
Once they’ve hit 200% of their original goal (equivalent to 1 million yen), they will make a music video, while if they hit 900k yen it’s either a music video or a lyric video.
It’s unclear to me at this point whether it’s just 1 video or several, but I’m gonna assume that it’s for 1 video.
They’ve currently amassed 932,555 yen. If you’re interested in helping the band out, here’s the link to their Campfire page. I backed them using Paypal.