New guitar!
Important package. New Dir en Grey, anniversary dir en grey, new music by an all time favorite (Deadman), and last live of Sakurai with Buck-Tick collectors edition. I’m so excited to enjoy all this beautiful media.
The list
~few arrivals of feb/march
彩冷える-ayabie- - 会いたくて [ Limited First Press ] [ Maxi-single ]
彩冷える-ayabie- - 会いたくて [ Type A ] [ Maxi-single ]
彩冷える-ayabie- - 会いたくて [ Type B ] [ Maxi-single ]
彩冷える-ayabie- - 夏物語 [ Type A ] [ Maxi-single ]
彩冷える-ayabie- - 夏物語 [ Type B ] [ Maxi-single ]
彩冷える-ayabie- - 夏物語 [ Type C ] [ Maxi-single ]
彩冷える-ayabie- - 夏物語 [ Regular Edition ] [ Maxi-single ]
彩冷える-ayabie- - サヨナラ [ Type A ] [ Maxi-single ]
彩冷える-ayabie- - サヨナラ [ Type B ] [ Maxi-single ]
彩冷える-ayabie- - サヨナラ [ Regular Edition ] [ Maxi-single ]
the raid. - 新体制1st Single「Re:born」2016.7.27 Release! サンプルDVD
ZRAYD - おててぱんぱん太郎のぷにぷに記録 [ Mini-album ]
Smileberry - 無料配布 [ DVD ]
ルクス - ゼロ [ Single ]
NEO PUPA’18 [ Single ~ Omnibus ]
ゼログミ - マジカルミュージック [ Single ]
ヒッチコック - 『DEEP UNDER』 [ Mini-album ]
ミスイ - ねんねんころり 延命 [ Single ]
Chanty - レインドット [ Type A ] [ Single ]
Chanty - レインドット [ Type B ] [ Single ]
Satisfaction - ≒ nearly equal [ Album ] ~ There is not so much info about them!
バービー - 愛し愛しのハイカラボーイ [ Single ]
彩冷える-ayabie- - ヒナタ [ Single ]
なま×2破廉恥Jr. - ジリキ作品 [ Mini-album ]
DazzlingBAD - antagonism [ Single ]
ホンモノ - Prometheus [ Single ]
Ms.EVA - この愛、猛毒につき [ Maxi-single ]
鐘ト銃声 - 小林アキヒトの一生「急」 [ Mini-album ]
泥眼 - 消えない痣 [ Mini-album ]
Administrator - SELFISH CLOVER [ Demo ]
Administrator - 手招く太陽 [ Demo ]
Administrator - A [ Maxi-single ]
Administrator - Heart is… [ Maxi-single ]
Administrator - 喚情レイテンシー [ Maxi-single ]
Administrator - Promise [ Maxi-single ] [ Limited Edition]
Administrator - Promise [ Maxi-single ] [ Regular Edition ]
Administrator - Shining! [ Maxi-single ] [ Limited Edition ]
Administrator - Shining! [ Maxi-single ] [ Regular Edition ]
Administrator - CROSS [ Album ] [ Limited Edition ]
Administrator - CROSS [ Album ] [ Regular Edition ]
alice nine. - 絶景色 [ Album ] [ Regular Edition ]
alice nine. - 絶景色 [ Album ] [ Limited Edition ]
Sick² - 真っ青な嘘 [ Single ]
Ashmaze. - IGNITE [ Single ]
Royz - GIANT KILLER [ Maxi-single ] [ Type A ]
Royz - GIANT KILLER [ Maxi-single ] [ Type B ]
Royz - GIANT KILLER [ Maxi-single ] [ Type C ]
KAKUMAY - 共依存 [ Single ]
deadman - Genealogie der Moral [ Album ]
deadman - LIVING HELL [ Mini-album ]
鐘ト銃声 - 小林アキヒトの一生「泣」 [ Mini-album ]
朱 - 絶彩執 [ Album ]
ViViD - THE ViViD COLOR [ Mini-album ] [ Limited Edition ]
ViViD - THE ViViD COLOR [ Mini-album ] [ Regular Edition ]
ViViD - Across The Border [ Single ] [ Limited Edition Type A ]
ViViD - Across The Border [ Single ] [ Limited Edition Type B ]
ViViD - Across The Border [ Single ] [ Regular Edition ]
ViViD - PRECIOUS [ Single ] [ Limited Edition Type A ]
ViViD - PRECIOUS [ Single ] [ Limited Edition Type B ]
ViViD - PRECIOUS [ Single ] [ Regular Edition ]
SWitcH 1997.11 Issue ~ Plastic Tree
UV / Ultra veat vol.54 ~ Plastic Tree
Hej hej guys, its been a time i am not here. Just had time to take a few pics of a few cds that i got in febuary and march and still many to listen and so on
This time i got a few from ayabie that i like a lot and of many new releases also. I finally got the whole Administrator discography and i started to collect ViViD. a few rarez like 朱 album and the plastic tree mags~ the SWitcH i have already, but its always good have a second copy
This time i have no idea which digital releases i bought on last months, so
see you guys
I won these at a small visual kei panel at a con i went to! I don’t listen to ACME but this is cool and it’s signed! This is so cool! Another girl won a meji signed poster, i was so jealous but it was fun! Also everyone there were vk oldheads, which was cool.
Dir en grey - The Devil In Me [完全生産限定盤 CD+Blu-ray]
I went to see some very good giraffes at Shibuya Rex and since the concert was free I left some money at their merch table:
Geomatrium - Needle -ss
Finally opened this.
I often don’t buy limited editions but this time I felt like that’s the right one to go by and I’m glad I did (ordered the night from last to this year, I considered buying the regular one and getting something else as well but something felt wrong about it).
葉月 (Hazuki) (ex.lynch.) - CHAINSAW / 東京彩景 -TOKYO PSYCHE- (会場/通販 盤)
逹瑯 (ex.MICC) - Pandora Juke Vox
逹瑯 (ex.MICC) - COLORS 通常盤 + BOX
逹瑯 (ex.MICC) - COLORS 重新延期盤
MUCC - MUCC ライヴクロニクル5 25TH ANNIVERSARY 下巻 [朱ゥノ吐+会員限定盤]
Went to the pre evening event of Osaka Rock Summit:
Jigsaw 1st mini album Hex and 3rd single Nigai Ame
Z-Clear Single Junkie
Little Hearts wa in the same building so I also got:
Arlequin Album Dystopia
Xanvala Album Nix and DVD Xanvala Oneman Tour ANS Grand Final at Ebisu Liqquidroom 2023.08.31