YUKI -Starring Raphael- will perform.
rice with such longer hiatus
Ngl, that September 16th date looks pretty attractive
Guitar Support: 優(Yuu) (BugLug)
Guitar Support: 一樹(Kazuki) (BugLug)
Bass Support: 燕(Tsubame) (BugLug)
Drums Support: 悠介(Yusuke) (BugLug)
Guitar Support: 一樹(Kazuki) (BugLug)
Guitar Support: 優(Yuu) (BugLug)
Bass Support: Rei (DaizyStripper)
Drums Support: Kazami (DaizyStripper)
I will always support Yuki, I have so many wonderful memories with Raphael. Yume yori suteki na!
Rice was also an amazing band with so many good catchy memorable songs, that unfortunately I feel flew under the radar. But the people who know, they know. Yuki has made/been in many amazing projects and supported so many people in their dark moments in life, since his lyrics almost always are very touching and encouraging.
Ganbatte, yuki-san! 応援してますよ!
Thanks for the update buddy! Hope there will be some kind of videos from the event!
Guitar Support: 一樹(Kazuki) (BugLug)
Guitar Support: 優(Yuu) (BugLug)
Bass Support: SAM (超ジャシー(SUPER JASSY))
Manipulator Support: 綾瀬鴇(Toki Ayase) (ex.ZEXER, チームR(TEAM-R))
Drums Support: KAZAMI (DaizyStripper)