仙台貨物 (Sendai Kamotsu) new single FIGHT パツイチ (FIGHT Patsuichi) release

New single will be released on March 27th 2024 in two types that may contain different song(s?)

I’m surprised by this I was sure they will release new stuff by march but I wasn’t expecting another Sendai single but a Nightmare album instead. Clearly their pace is different from pre-hiatus.


The new maxi-single has 2 types

■「FIGHT パツイチ」



  1. FIGHT パツイチ
  2. TBA
  3. TBA

+Bonus benefits.



  1. FIGHT パツイチ
  2. TBA
  3. TBA

+Bonus benefits.


Track list + covers



  1. FIGHT パツイチ
  2. 何も言いたくない…夏
  3. 人生罰ゲーム
    *封入特典 ダウンロードカード (bonus Download card)


  1. FIGHT パツイチ
  2. 見切り発車
  3. サイパン2024
    *封入特典 チェキ風ステッカー (bonus Chekki-style stickers)

Would you guys say that Nightmare has failed when you think their joke band makes better and more memorable/catchier songs? lol

That’s like your opinion, man.

Also, even if your assertion about music was unquestionable, they can do Sendai just because Nightmare pays the bills. There’s also like a 90% fan base crossover and those people following Sendai kamotsu is because of Nightmare so even then it could be hard calling it successful by itself.

You can like them more tho.


Nightmare just came back from imminent disbandment iirc

So I don’t think that’s a failure lmao


No because NIGHTMARE are a legacy VK act. I mean everyone who has watched Death Note knows who they are, that’s a lot of people. Also if you follow their social media, their shows still look packed. They’re far from failures


No, not at all. Especially when their shows are still packed and their new releases are selling well. They may not have as big of an international fanbase anymore but there’s still a good amount of Japanese fans that have been fans for a long time as well as new fans. Having a popular opening and ending combo to a very, very popular anime that is still widely watched around the world also helps them a ton. Plus, they’re talented at what they do, Sakito especially.


Nightmare’s recent tour final sold out. That’s not the sign of a failed band.


Not in that sense sure but their recent music is so boring and generic. This comes from someone who used to be a hardcore fan.

Basically if you get to do an opening for a hit anime your career is guaranteed 10s of years ahead in Japan, or have a one hit wonder.
Well I hope they can come back with a raven loud speaker type of banger single.

(Citation needed)

You only metioned ever liking Raven Lound Speeaker. In one of the other last 3 Nightmare threads you derailed you were provided with a list of 20+ songs from all their career you were not familiar with and don’t seem to have ever listened to. In what regard do you consider yourself a hardcore fan? The only thing about them you seem to enjoy are your own post saying you dislike them (as a fan) xd

You think their shows consist on them playing The World on repeat for 2 hours? Audience has come into their shows for 20 years for both classics and new songs alike. They couldn’t even play or re-release good chunk of songs when they moved from Vap to Avex for legal reasons and still played long tours with sold out finals for years lmao


Nightmare is composed of people. People go through phases. They are not the same people from 2005. Get over it. They can’t be a one hit wonder if they’re still selling out shows.

Their music is not boring and generic. You just want them to play Raven Loud Speaker on repeat. Which would become boring and generic if they did.

They started in 2000. And Death Note in 06. They were big before Death Note with packed venues. And they’re still big now.

As I said in a previous comment, you’re on this forum specifically to hate.


Before The World even existed, and even before Raven Loud Speaker existed, they already had successful songs. Believe was pretty popular when it came out, so was Hate, Akane, and Over. The next year, the singles Varuna, Cyan, and Tokyo Shounen did pretty well on the Oricon charts. They were a hit band in 2003 basically. They had been hits for 3 years before The World came out.

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Yeah I know, I was in Japan and saw them live 2-3 times in different cities when they toured for the world ruler album. I was the only gaijin then apparently and at the third live Yomi noticed me and after the show the staff called me, and the band wanted to greet me, they asked from where I came etc and even treated me a beer. A fun memory!

Their recent albums are definitely lacking in creativity and frankly quite boring. Hope they can come back!
Sorry if I upset some people by coming across as a hater, which I definitely am not. Cheers guys!

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@I own practically every release by them, including most of their demos, and I will agree that their height of creativity was with anima, but their music was still amazing after that! I think Carpe Diem is the only lacking piece of work they’ve ever put out, they fixed that trouble with the hiatus! It’s really cool you got to see them perform at such a high point in their career!

I liked Sendai kamotsu and found them funny when I was 15. Haha penis haha gay. Not sure about their recent releases and lyrics, but it’s 2024, grow up dudes. At least they seem to have stopped with the constant “jokes” about being gay.

Besides Gackt, that’s a vk project that aged really poorly.

Everyone is free to like or dislike whatever they want.
And sometimes it’s nice to just shut up if you don’t like it, the same way others can just scroll past the negative comments.
It’s called tolerance


By that logic they should’ve grown out of it before starting. Given they were in their late teens-early 20s roughly when Sendai Kamotsu started.

touching grass aside… i’m curious by the 90% number lol.

Are there people out there who fw 仙台貨物 but don’t really care for ナイトメア?
and are they the same hypothetical fans of 8P-SB who might be shocked to find out Genki once had a guitars band with screaming & shit? What if there’s a diehard マイドラ stan who’s not really heard much about 己龍?

Idk why but i’m amused by the concept of one of these side projects taking off and landing literally anywhere other than within a subset of their main project’s fandom