AI in J-Rock and Visual Kei

It’s a shame… I’d much prefer to see the artists instead of this. Or no video at all… it doesn’t even look like much effort. Like DEG at least tried to us AI with real visuals.


Allegedly, Nintendo’s Furukawa had this to say:

In the game industry, AI-like technology has long been used to control enemy character movements, so I believe that game development and AI technology have always been closely related.

Generative AI, which has been a hot topic recently, can be more creative [in its use], but I also recognize that it has issues with intellectual property rights.

Our company has [had] the know-how to create optimal gaming experiences for our customers for decades.

While we are flexible in responding to technological developments, we would like to continue to deliver value that is unique to us and cannot be created simply by technology alone.

obligatory “this isn’t vkei” but i’ve never, across friends, tech people, & arts people, heard a response that more closely mirrors my own thoughts than this - except here it’s put much more succinctly & impactful than anything i’ve tried to say.

esp the third line, mirroring allegedly Miyazaki 's “we humans are losing faith in ourselves” but from the opposite, more optimistic direction…


Recently there was uproar over the DDJ merchandise released by the bands involved, saying that they used AI and that they should hire real artists for this. What do you think?

Tbh, no idea if it’s AI generated or not, seems generic metal monsters. The worst sin is being ugly tho

I think that when done well, it’s impossible to tell. It’s impressive how easy it is to trick yourself into seeing things that may not be there. As long as some people perceive certain aspects to be AI-generated, it may as well be.

The real issue is that the design is a box on the shirt instead of smartly using the medium. Box shirt prints are so damn lazy, and they’re charging some cash for it. $65 for that hoodie? Steep…


The major label needs money and those international tours don’t pay themselves. Don’t ask me about Dexcore, they just exist

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Sena needs a 10th revision facelift before 2025, please be understanding of AI use onegai


He can just replace his image in merch with SenAI when he gets older. Easy peasy.

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Love all the mocking replies here :joy: nothing to add to that one.

But regarding KI in JR/VK:
I watched something about an AI tool that generates videos on Youtube today and one of the comments was something like: “it might not look super great now but think about it in a few years. We won’t need big studios like disney anymore, we can all make our own movies. Maybe there will even be something like Netflix that will generate the perfect movie or show for you every evening”

And that person would surely also say it can generate the perfect music just for your taste. But honestly I would hate that because one thing I like about music, is talking with other people about it. That would be so much more difficult if everyone only liked their own KI thing. I have so much more fun since I found JRO because I really missed a community.
Also what would we do without all that shit bandomen drama, when there are no members. Sounds boring as hell to me.


I am pretty sure this is AI
Beside just having this very typical kind of lightning those two are messed which don’t make sense in an artistic sense

This doesn’t look like any kind of magic glow but moreso like red strings or red leaves falling onto the floor

What is this here supposed to depict there is a clear outline which cuts it off from the rest of the fabric. Might was a place where the AI program could not decide if this should become the horn for the demon or something else

Funny is that it’s mainly the front demon.

As if two bands were able to hire an artist and the third had to use AI.

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it is - compare the demons fingers, particularly claws - and his ears
everything that is supposed to be symmetrical (and is not that hard for an artist to render) is totally whack
add lack of clear lighting, crazy overdetailing (what is the left skeleton wearing, kanye’s new garbage bag hoodie? what material would bend and melt like that?) and signature baby oil sheen on everything - it is all AI
glowing bit to me looks like the dress on the right figure catching fire or smth, it doesn’t even look connected to the demon (again, something a human artist probably would put in a bit more work to separate the two.)

it’s up to their stans if they want to buy merch with this though


You’re right, but you forgot something.

Does she have three rows of teeth? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I’m not focusing on the claw. I’m trying to make out what’s happening behind it. What is all this red, and where is the leg? There isn’t even a suggestion of one.

Shark teeth

So no band was able to hire a real life artist, sad business

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I think this kind of attitude is honestly so weird. Art to me is not just the experience of seeing and/or hearing something but also all the work behind it. Knowing someone thought of it and then created it, combining their creativity with their skills. Figuring out what they put into it and what they wanted to say and comparing that with what it makes me feel and what I get out of it and then discussing all these things with others is an essential part of enjoying art.

I don’t mean that all art has to have a higher purpose or a deep meaning to be valid (trust me, I am absolutely not an art snob lol). If the point is to just be pretty or fun then that is still a perfectly valid point. The difference to AI is that it is still a point that someone made and others can derive yet further interpretations from it. Art is a coversation and while there might be some value in examining the thoughts and feelings a piece of AI art evokes in you, it is ultimately hollow because there is no other side to that conversation. I suppose it works as some kind of dystopic allegory to the late-stage capitalism we are all living through but I don’t think we should embrace it just because everything else is already crap.

I kind of get the fantasy of having an unlimited supply of exactly the kind of thing you like but I wonder if anyone would genuinely enjoy that. If AI somehow got really good and managed to create a song that sounded exactly like a song by my favourite artist, I would absolutely hate it. Without the human creativity behind it, it would be a soulless and meaningless bit of noise and nothing more.

…I might have gotten a bit too flowery there again but I am too lazy to rewrite so please bear with me :face_with_peeking_eye:


on the third, really long stare, it might be a red satin dress - or a black satin dress catching a red light spot on it, littered with nonsense over-rendered detail

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i can easily tell its AI, the usual artist for these bands said he didnt do the art. With smaller bands I can usually understand the usage of AI (even though its ugly) but with these 3 bands which make a good amount of money, its pretty disappointing :melting_face: :melting_face:


what do you guys think about this Human Error album cover :rofl: its so creepy and ugly


That thing looks like a mixture of a banana, an ape and some kind of strange bird.

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the eyes freak me out :sweat_smile: