Anyone got Xiaohongshu / RedNote?

I need more vkei friends…
I’m @rsm_rain same as everywhere!

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no I am not joining more social media

We need more Sabaton fans on here


idk who that is but xhs has cat memes and good music content so they win

I seriously wonder, do we really need an app to replace TikTok? Especially when we know that the short content isn’t good for our brain.

And even without TikTok, YouTube has shorts, Instagram has them, even on Twitter you can doom scroll videos.
But people will be people, I guess.

Not that I want to curb anyone’s enthusiasm.

Edit: also I live in Egypt, TikTok isn’t banned here so :person_shrugging:


Jokes aside, i’m personally the type of person who likes early adopting and investing my time in new things; not everyone is and that’s cool! No hate on someone for not preferring my particular fav social media site, esp not one that i’ve spent a single day on

But it seems like their algorithm prioritizes unpolished, non-bragging process or experience-based content, and rewards participation like commenting

Coming from IG / Twitter / tiktok which all kinda feel the same to me as platforms for social climbing, xhs seems really refreshing and casual, like what i missed about myspace. Just me personally but it’d be nice to post a video where i try to play guitar in a style like aie and not stress about the metrics or have to type “POV: _____” for the boost

So some people might like it, some not, but either way the more vkei community i have probably the better

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You guys don’t use VPNs?

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Are people really willingly using chinese social media platforms?


I am now, it’s seemed nice so far!

Except for TikTok i think every social media i’ve tried has been from the US, and i never really liked TikTok all that much personally

I like getting new perspectives and experimenting, tho i wouldn’t complain if my vkei friends network on any site grew

All I know about RedNote is yapdollar, lmao.

Seriously though, I never bothered with TikTok, and I won’t with this either.

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you’d be surprised! :joy:

After 15 years living in China and seing how the social media networks work there…I cant find the words when I see ppl runing from the western apps to go there :rofl:

Even the littleredbook ppl got surprised and are trying to hire “slaves” for English content moderation :joy:


How was it??

I feel a little lost in this thread, like people think i’m excited about an app… i’m really not, i don’t love social media, i’ve just “gotta” do it for my “job” as musician

But my excitement from xhs isn’t cuz of the app per se, it’s from the meeting new people i thought i never could

Y’all not from the USA might not know but somehow, i don’t think i’m alone in saying: there’s been a perception until this week that China was as unreachable to us as Pluto, whether blamed on their firewall, ours, or a more general lack of interest save for particular individuals like Lin from Lilith

But this week’s blown that perception entirely open, which feels crazy to me from Texas, even tho it might be pretty average to everyone else

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I saw a video that apparently the app owners are currently trying to set up different servers. One for Chinese IPs and one for foreign IPs. So that’s that.

Well, the way it can be in a country where the whole internet is controlled by the gov (but not in the way we think is controlled in west…like more extreme). As soon something sensitive is posted u will find the army of “wumaos”, etc. You can think of it as a Twitter without the explicit images, but with ppl of just one side ideologically :joy:

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I tried to register, but when I type in the code that was sent to my number it says it’s not ok.

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Oh their microservices are stressed out bc of how many people are signing up at once! It’s annoying, happened to me too, but i just tried again every few hours and eventually i hit a less busy period and got through!

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Thanks I’ll try it again then!

The young karens from USA are freaking out without their brain wash called tiktok.

This madness of people being dependent on social media is an evil of this century.

It’s literally an infinite drug that changes many people’s lives more negatively than positively.


I’m famously not a fan of social media, so nope.


if I can’t post hardcore gay furry porn on the site then I am not on it, if I lack my natural habitat I can’t prosper on the site.
(Jrock one being like the only exception)