Post your favourite instrumental tracks from any VK artist here!
Note that this does not include karaoke, instrumental versions, or off-vocal versions of songs that usually have vocals.
Beautiful closer to the album. Even though it does borrow heavily from Satie’s Gymnopédie No.1, it’s still lovely, plus I’m a sucker for piano music.
Dir en grey - G.D.S.
This one uses a vocal sample like an instrument, so it half-qualifies (is it even Kyo?). Ignore Shokubeni on the end. This must be so hype to hear live.
There’s no video, but if we’re counting side projects done by members of visual kei bands then it’s Hikarito’s (Aiolin) 足跡.
Aiolin’s Overture -Fate- is my favorite SE, though seeing as it was the SE to my first live, I am absolutely biased.
I know that some of the instrumental tracks on this album were controversial but I thought this one was pretty nice for setting up the mood of the album.