DEVILOOF new EP "Song For The Weak." release

DEVILOOF will release their 2nd major EP titled “Song For The Weak.” on 2024/01/24. They also uploaded a live performance of DAMN which is from the DVD of this EP.


Woah already another single, are they desperate (for money) or something?
Last two ones were horrible, generic at best. If this one sucks as well it kind of is the final nail in the coffin. Sry for being negative, I loved them so much in the beginning.


I enjoeyd Damn, not so much the last one. I hope this one is better, but I don’t trust them to deliver anything interesting at this point


Yikes that price :fearful:

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For everything in the package it’d be worth it if the shirt weren’t so ugly. They definitely seem to sound better in a live setting than a recorded one.


it makes me very mad how often the outfits on live performances look so simple and generic.

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I will never understand people who expect that putting simple an album cover on a shirt would qualify as quality merch.


It’s called being lazy, uncreative and giving the artist a cut of merch sales since their work is on the shirt.


Every time they do something I realize it’s way more over than I previously thought. You’re paying most of that precious yen for two pngs put onto a t-shirt. The only thing brutal about this band is their constant decline since Dystopia, it’s a train wreck. I thought the stuff about Seiya carrying the band and them running out of leftover material was a joke but it seems like a legitimate thing that’s happening.


I think they are releasing the “demo CD version” in this package to make money first before releasing everything to streaming etc. It makes sense I guess, but the price doesn’t justify this move. It kinda discouraging people to purchase unless your a hardcore fan. I think if the price was like 6-7k yen I’d consider getting it but 12k is a lot.


There’s nothing that justifies that high price… They are desperate for money, they know the few crazy fans who are left will pay for it…

Keep in mind that the premium box-set version of Dystopia was ¥12,000 and came with WAY more stuff, to me it personally felt like a steal for what it was, even though I ended up hating Dystopia. I don’t know if they’re legitimately in need of money or if it’s just poor decisions led by greed but this is definitely not the right path and I can’t see them lasting another two or three years.

This new set tho stinks. It screams greed, those things included cost like nothing to make… definitely not 12000 yen…
I know that VK bands have done this forever but Deviloof is starting to feel cringy at this point, and their recent music sucks ass. I dont what to say if this new song is another disappointment…

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Negative comments don’t really make sense gonna say their music declined after dystopia …you mean their last full album but y’all ain’t like 6 songs and now y’all acting like they switched up or something false self and everything is all Lies are bangers fr


Yeah I don’t get it personally, Damn and False Self were great imo, Everything is all lies wasn’t their best but definitely not their worst, just a normal DEVILOOF song. Terpsichore doesn’t count because it’s an instrumental, so that leaves The Blackened Sun and Afterlife, which are some of my least favorite songs from them, although I felt better about them after I raised their volume(can’t think of any excuse for them to release the mini album with those songs being significantly quieter than the rest of the songs on it, especially since it was their first major release, seriously wtf lol?) So out of the 5 songs since their last album imo 2 were good/great, 1 was okay/good, and 2 were not that good/okay, I don’t really see how that signals the downfall of the band, it seems pretty normal for a band to release a few not that great songs every now and then isn’t it? Even if you disagree with my opinions on those songs and think all 5 of them were shit it’d be like saying because they released one bad mini album they’re done. It’s not like they’ve been consistently putting out bad shit, Dystopia had some of their best songs and it was pretty much their last release since it feels weird calling a single song a release.

As for the prices yeah overcharging is a shitty thing to do but they have to make money, I know nothing of their financial situation but if they need the money I don’t see an issue, if they’re just being greedy then it’s definitely shitty but I don’t really feel anything about it one way or the other since I’m still currently a broke loser and most likely wouldn’t be able to afford it whether it was overpriced or if it was a great deal.

Tbh my only issue with the band at this moment is them going through with using that album art.

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About the money part considering they traveled overseas recently I can see them needing the money since that is a bit of a loss since its expensive to travel overseas.

For someone who has listened to that genre from the west for like my whole life, deviloof^s latest songs are suuuuper generic. Soulless copycats.

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Finally listening to this goddamn song, and I quite like it. Damn was an better song, but this is one is very fun and promising. Recovered the bit of hope in this band I lost after the absolute trainwreck that was Everything is all lies

If they have any savvy travel costs should have been covered by whoever booked them.

I doubt that most if not all bands pay out of pocket in unless they get a sponsorship or it’s crowdfunded. Considering vkei being a niche genera I doubt they got a sponsorship. Altho I have seen campfires pop up for vkei crowdfunding but not sure if they got it for this particular case.