Deviloof - Songs for the Weak

I don’t get it it’s like they just don’t care about their release, it’s not really even a mini album it’s more of a maxi single (3 songs+SE+Instrumental…) Everything is all lies is the exact same version as the single, which I’m pretty sure is the first time they’ve done that, in the past whenever a song appeared on more than one release it was always a different version, and since they had released Song for the Weak early it’s basically just one new song. Also again with the volume issues, but this time it’s even worse than on Damned, everything is quiet except for Everything is all lies, which is normal volume but since you need to turn up the volume for the rest of the songs it will seem super loud. Did they not even test listen to it once? Execution was probably my favorite song from the album, but it’s just a mid deviloof song. Living Hell is super bland, easily their worst SE, Labyrinth seems pointless, InCipit and Terpsichore were better.


I was at first really excited because Execution has a long bass intro but after some time it felt uncomfortable because it sounded oddly synth like.
I always appreciate bands being so open to make instrumental tracks but having one in a four track “EP” with most stuff on there only sounding like filler is just, meh…


The “singing” parts on Execution sound like someone taking the piss at karaoke…

I did actually really like labyrinth maybe because it would of fit well on their first album.


This just has me like “Where the hell are DEXCORE? Seriously? Please save us from this mediocrity!” Something is clearly lost in translation because the title should be “WEAK SONGS EP”. I had hopes for Living Hell until it disappeared and I realized it was an SE, why even have one in the MIDDLE of the EP? It MIGHT work with it as the intro, but I doubt it.


Yeah I’ve been wondering what’s been up with DEXCORE it’s been a while since their last single, haven’t really heard anything about them other than that Kagami is going to be featured on VICTIMOFDECEPTION’s new album.


I don’t have much to say here because I didn’t listen to the album properly and skimmed it but the bass intro in Execution was the deciding factor for me not giving the album a chance. Programming bass in a studio recording setting is unreal to me and I wouldn’t doubt the rest of the album’s bass being programmed.

As a side note, this and the prior single have the worst mastering I’ve ever heard in music I think. This one especially because Everything Is All Lies is so fucking loud compared to the other songs that I would have to turn down my volume and turn it back up when going to the next track.


I don’t think that Everything is all lies is loud, but the rest of the album is quiet, which makes you turn up the volume which will make Everything is all lies seem loud in comparison. If I play Everything is all lies next to a song not from the album it’s about the same volume while if I play any other song from the album next to another song they seem very quiet in comparison. This was one of the biggest issues for me because whether or not you like any of the songs ultimately comes down to someone’s taste, but this volume issue just shows they really must not care at all about the album because it’s an issue anyone would notice after just listening to it once.


“Weak Songs EP” :laughing:

I havent heard the EP as single was whack so going to pass but this volume issue is just bizarre. Thats a very basic part of the mastering process and its exactly why we do this to AVOID weird inconsistencies like this. Am just guessing all the other songs were mastered separately and because “Everything is all lies” came out prior to the rest (being recorded?) they just shoe-horned that in without remastering it for the release at all which is totally dumb. Someone did say above that nothing changed between the single and version on the EP so seems like this is what happened, but as they are now “major” it seems completely mental to me that nobody brought it up during the production process as it seems like a very easy issue to spot and these people are meant to be professionals… lol

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First off I didn’t listen to the whole EP only “song for the weak”

That’s the studio that is named for mixing and mastering it
Looking at other releases they were involved with, I can’t see that an of them had the same issues (at least from the ones I know)

Usually a studio should put the song around -1dB or 0dB and the loudest areas should never go past the 3dB (if I remember it right), so unless the band asked for anything else the issue of something being louder than another song shouldn’t be that extreme.

On another note I am surprised that as a major band they are not having their stuff mixed and mastered by a non-japanese studio(not to say they are bad, but the popular producer are not the Japanese ones)


I think it is problem with Spotify itself. For me, on others streaming, previews sounds same if we are talking about loudness. I don’t know what happened.

And about this release. I enjoy it and like it. I understand points of negative opinions. I guess, it would be better as Single or as double side Single or something like that. It looks like they put SE in the middle just to name it EP than (maxi) single instead. Otherwise, I like SE because i feel seperation between sections. Crazy one and More emotional two.

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You got that option on?

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Yeah, I have. But i try listen this EP on AWA or OTOTOY. Then songs aren’t that drastically different in volume.

Just listening for the first time now and I am really surprised with it, not in a good way. I read over the reviews here first and maybe I should have let that temper my expectations, but… Yeah, I had the same issue with the non-single tracks being quieter than EIAL, which is lame in and of itself. Song For The Weak itself was not something I enjoyed the first time I heard it, but it wasn’t so bad this time. I’m floored they even bothered putting Living Hell on here, a total waste of space and time. Execution’s track was good, but the vocals are atrocious and borderline silly. Labyrinth was good as an instrumental, but just like with their last EP I struggle to understand why we’re putting this many instrumentals or SEs on an EP release intead of going for a full album vibe.

I think they peaked at Dystopia and now I’m not sure I’ll actually enjoy anything else they do.


What you said got me curious so I went to OTOTOY and you’re right the previews didn’t seem to have the volume issue, I didn’t buy the release there but I had bought DAMMED there which also had a volume issue so I checked the previews for DAMNED and again i didn’t notice any volume issues, so I redownloaded it thinking maybe they had fixed the volume issue but it was still there so I assume it’d be the same for Song for the Weak, which is even weirder to me, why would the issue not be in the previews but in the download? Did you buy it on OTOTOY and download the songs and still not notice differences in volume or were you just comparing the previews?

Only previews. I’m not that rich to buy it in this month :smiley:. Maybe someone bought CD and could say something about physical release?

Same. After hearing Song For The Weak I have pretty much lost faith in them which sucks as I love everything upto and including Dystopia in a big way. Haha.


Execution seems very… confused, lyrically. The first half is all '‘ra ra give control to the private sector’ and then the second half’s lyric “Stock prices rise, but has it changed your life?” is in direct opposition to that ideal

I don’t dislike political messaging in music, personally I believe art and politics are pretty intertwined in a lot of ways. What I don’t like though is when that political messaging is self-contradictory in a way that makes it obvious the band were just trying to write something political for the sake of it, rather than actually caring about any specific causes


Lots of people who care passionately about causes will contradict themselves on those exact causes. I don’t doubt they were really feeling this when writing it - not thinking about it but feeling it nonetheless.

That’s true, but at least in my experience those contradictions are usually much easier to reconcile, or at least understand how somebody would believe that contradiction, than “Give control to the private sector” and “The private sector is fucking up”

Plus, based on my readings of other Deviloof song lyrics, a lot of their lyrics just seem super childish and immature and not well thought out to begin with

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I think DEXCORE probably is attempting to re-work their sound to the old style. Im hoping for some getsu9core re-makes cuz they didnt do all the songs. That aside i haven’t heard the new ep yet im just super turned off by this band at the moment.