I liked the hoodie until I saw the back of it.
It happened to me too. Man, what a waste
Just occurred to me now that those are ball-jointed dolls on the artwork. Possibly Volks.
Am still waiting on my copy and these kinda posts just make me more hype for it. Haha.
It’s only six songs, but the footage is still almost an hour long.
Make of that what you will x)
Haha im not sure if thats exciting or concerning. But people here seem to liking it so thinking the first? Haha
I liked the single, although I wasn’t passionate about it. It doesn’t have many changes from the originals and they aren’t my favorite songs from that time either.
I find it strange that they released this, especially on Kyo’s part and how little passion he gives to everything related to GAUZE.
Do they need extra money?
I didn’t like the BR either. Adding the making of a video clip that will not appear complete for a few years is unnecessary.
Finally my copy arrived today and that gig footage… dude. Hahaha. The setlist was lacklustre considering half of it is made up of two parts being repeated for about 4 hours each which could have been at least another 3 or 4 songs but damn was still enjoyable to watch because of how chaotic it was. Holy crap. Lol.
That was a really good, well-rounded single. Poppy, heavy, slow. Had a bit of everything. I really liked the new ZAN. Doubt we’ll ever see a remake like Yurameki again.
thinking about the new strings sections in Yurameki, made me realize I want to see Dir En Grey with an full real actual goddamn orchestra. They already toyed with the Idea of Symphonic versions in the past, it’s the kind of gimmick that matches them perfectly in terms of highbrow metal snobbery showmanship
Just call yoshiki, for Christ’s sake
Shinya has his number saved anyway
Well hold on there now
If they do that, we may never get new music for at least another decade. I’m not trynna wait until I’m 40 for new DEG
They will probably have died of old age by then too.
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: DIR EN GREY - 19990120
If you want symphonic shit DONE Kamijo would be better for them. Boy stays relevant by actually getting shit done.