DIR EN GREY New Single "The Devil In Me" Release

I will take remakes instead of live recordings all the time. I dunno why, but I don’t like them. My personal ranking of stuff you can put in an single besides the title song

  1. more new songs
  2. instrumental versions
  3. remakes
  4. remixes
  5. live recordings

(3. and 4. swap places depending on the day you ask me)


Have they ever put this much work into the artwork before?

I am used to Deg singles looking like this

Even has some probably really deep english text:

(only read a bit to the left about being “born this way”, Kyo’s mommy issues again?)

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Terrible news arise today as one seelentau received the following, devastating message in his email earlier this morning


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Lol mine will probably be much later… Better late than never though right?!

Well not the end of the world, or am I missing an inside joke? We will still get to listen to the new track :grinning:

it’s late :sob:

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The lack of dark mode is KILLING MY EYESSSSS


furage-day has come :eyes:

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I hope it doesnt sound like he is singing underwater in the whole song, except maybe the screams. That teaser clip scares me. Did they let AI do the mixing as well…?

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Personally, I think it’s gonna sound like it’s underwater & like AI did the mix.

But still, even on DEG new single morn, I wonder what kind of song it’ll be…


Just got an email from CDJapan saying my order was shipped and it’s arriving today. Hype!

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Damn you pointed me out writing the same thing kinda twice, forgive me!

But tomorrow is the day, honestly I am a bit scared.
The previews do not sound mixed well and the AI-PV looks like a mess.

But lets see!

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There’s some plug-ins that are marketed as ‘AI’ mixing tools. Whether or not they’re actually AI is questionable to me (much of what is described as AI both in marketing and common parlance is just… not AI), but regardless, most of them are okay at best. Most professional mixers I’ve spoken to don’t use them, or only use them sparingly. And even if an engineer were to use exclusively ‘AI’ mixing plug-ins, one would still need to manually set fader/panner balances and general gain-staging.

Joel Wanasek actually has a fun video on this. One of my favorite bits is how some different plug-ins are making decisions directly counter to decisions made by previous plug-ins in the signal flow. It’s kind of hilarious lol

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