Do you guys think they will announce a new single soon?

I was expecting them to announce it after the tour has ended, but alas.

Yeah me too.
By the way what do you guys think that Kyo’s look for DeG is starting to overlap with his side projects? I mentioned it above just wonder what you guys think?
I personally want him to always put DeG above everything else and plan so he can pull of looks that dont overlap eachother. Not a biggie really just bugs me out a bit as a longtime fan.

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petit bra drops their EP on 14th.

I think Deg will announce something through summer (a regular single, or a single + bunch of self-cover songs like the unraveling, since they’ve started digging up some really old stuff) that will go on sale in autumn.

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Bargain stuff there. Haha. :grimacing:

Do any of the members of Dir En Grey who aren’t Kyo have dogs? I want to know what Pun-chan’s social life is like

Didnt Shinya had two chihuahua’s?
not sure if they are still alive


You can’t convince me Shinya isn’t just three chihuahuas in a Yoshiki costume.


Man, listening to their entire discography in order, as one does, I must say… Kyo’s worst vocal performances are probably during six Ugly ~ VULGAR era.
Mainly BLITZ 5Days and VULGAR[ism] releases sound so horrible, he’s either doing some really strange shouts or just garbling along to the music (or not singing at all).
For example, the shouted “KISS ME” in Child prey on VULGAR[ism], that specific sound he makes is so strange.

I definitely remember being shocked at how bad his Vulgar performances were back in the day

it was a huge bummer for me because I loved Vulgar

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A LOT of that era’s live B-sides would agree with you. Yikes.

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Dead tree is fucking epic as hell from this live, as is GARBAGE for other reasons.

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2nd disk of vulgarism (where the unedited/bootleg footage went to) is something all the girlies in 04 were watching in disbelief, that shit was horrific

(I would take that over majority of their next 15 years though)

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This is Withering/MARROW era. But yes, I agree that the live performances from that time are some of the worst.That was when they pushed for the American audience, which is a shame because they might’ve done so much better if Kyo’s voice wasn’t busted night after night. So weird that era used exclusively terrible live recordings as b-sides even though they sound garbage (ha).

Honestly, I’d take VULGAR[ism] over these.

I try to give bands the benefit of the doubt with lives. Sometimes you can’t hear you’re out of tune, sometimes you get sick on the road, sometimes your voice is just off, sometimes you’re utterly exhausted from the endless tour cycle. I get it. But intentionally releasing the worst performances as the archival document of that time doesn’t enhance the songs (look at my pain!!!), it just sounds like crap.

The issue I have with BLITZ 5Days is the weird doubling/chorus effect on Kyo which ruins the whole thing. I’d enjoy it if it weren’t for that.

UROBOROS live was a bit rough, too. Kyo’s vocals on the album were too ambitious and his stamina just isn’t there.

I feel like their lives only really got good again in late DSS-era after Kyo had (or didn’t have?) that throat surgery. At the very least, he must have seen a trainer. Almost everything since then has been pretty decent.


Dunno, but he always sounds out of breath to me, on live recordings. No matter the era, even. The moment he starts screaming, it sounds forced/pressed and short-breathed. I can’t better describe it than that.


Watching the Karma live take @zeus posted in the TU review thread, this is exactly what I meant:

The “ima de wa” at 0:24, the way it’s shouted and sounds, is so strange. And he does that all the time, in many songs during that era. And the video is also a good example of how little he’s singing of the song. Maybe it’s because it’s the last song of the set and in general more of an all-out kind of song, but still…

TOUR05 It withers and withers is fine again, by the way. It’s just the first half of the 2000s that’s bad. Probably even the worst in their career? At least in terms of looks, live releases and Kyo’s vocals.

Aw, I like 5 Ugly KINGDOM… :frowning:

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Ranking all of Dir en grey’s remakes

I’m glad this band has come a long way since this shit.

The first time I saw them was the 2007 Inward Scream tour in the US, and at that time I remember being underwhelmed by Kyo’s performance even if it was a really really cool experience.

I picked up an Edwards version of Die’s signature 6-string guitar about a year ago. Been putting it through it’s paces - if anybody would be interested in an instrument review/some example clips of how it sounds, I’d be happy to write one up/add some recording clips and put it up in here!

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