a dive into ‘twilight’ by kamijo…
my favorite track off of his latest EP, it is a deeply sad song. it details the story of a lover that has passed, her spirit seems to seep into all aspects of the protagonist’s life in the form of memories and dreams. he reaches out to her, and he knows that she is gone, yet he begs her to “stay by my side in the twilight.” in a thankfully chronological telling, by the end of the song, he seems to have come to terms with her being gone— “you are not here any longer, but my heart feels lighter.”
Flower Shop
of course, reviews of songs are not why i am here: it’s the fragrances! luckily, this song mentions lilies, seen in the lyrics above (and at the end in english), as the favorite of the lover. therefore, that note will be present in both options i have chosen. let’s begin!
Lily & Spice by Penhaligon’s
pardon the morbidity, but this is what i see the lover as smelling like prior to her passing— at least, in the protagonist’s eyes. there’s a depth there that comes with the patchouli and spiced backgrounds, a warmth. coupled with the intense lily on the initial spray, the middle notes cut through that heady indolic scent that is so integral to how they actually smell! it’s pure elegant lily nonetheless, and not for the faint of heart— right up kamijo’s alley, lol!
Passage d’Enfer by L’Artisan Parfumeur
and this is what her memory smells like, familiar but distant. it’s a deeply somber scent, yet still distinctly separate, unreachable. it creeps up on you until it is all you can smell— but only if you are within forearm’s length. you have to truly get to know the person to understand the way it interacts with their skin. i hate to call a perfume unique, but it really is. every time i smell it, there’s something new to unpack. i think it is a good distorted version of the previous perfume, as the closest approximation the grieving mind could make when the original scent is lost.
I am walking past
the flower shop
of my memories
The lilies you like
They don’t seem to have them today
i believe that no matter the song, album, or era, as long as it’s kamijo-related, all the scents i choose shall be elegant. it would seem wrong otherwise, right?