Highly approved.
Hold on so its not about real skin but just nudes? LAMO WELL if THAT’S the case theeen
Would it be shocking? YES.
Would it be surprising? No.
It took me getting down to the comments to figure out he wants photos and not actual flaps of skin Well that’s certainly a new and creative way to ask for nudes, it’s hard to be mad at that.
It says in the original quoted tweet that he wants photos of skin sent to his dms and that they will be patched together. It’s thankfully clear from the tweet he just wants pics but it’s still creeptacular.
man, I’m disappointed. I thought he really meant actual skin, like what a power move.
People in Japan would totally send it too lol
L just shared his progress on his skin apron!
Proud piece of the skin apron
He posted a second photo from the apron with more skin
But tbh i thought he would add it digitally and then let it get printed on the apron, not with photos attached to it
Looks pretty cool!
The update looks cool and all but I really hope that it’s a WIP. Photo paper is gonna have an ugly shine in photos and the egdes are gonna curl etc. Hopefully he’ll have the final product properly printed on the fabric once he’s decided on what pictures he wants to include…
Wow👀 L just updated…!
are those self harm cuts on one of the photos? ihhh, i guess it was to be expected to be one of the things sent in.
It looks nice with more photos. But I still stand by my previous statement, I’m not a fan of photos being sewed on fabric. It looks good now but once he wraps it around himself the edges and corners will stick out and curl.
(Was this supposed to be a one-use-thing? In that case I guess it doesn’t really matter)
I think it’s at least 3 diff pics having cut lines and it’s not done yet omg, some deranged gya is probably going to outslice the rest of them
“On April 1st, we will challenge crowdfunding for the production of the ““New Distribution Album.”””
We are able to provide support from ¥500, so we appreciate your help.
I look forward to working with you in MEME in 2021."
So there’s to be a new album to be expected…!
I’m honestly digging this more than I expected. ig I didn’t really understand how he was gonna do it, like I couldn’t visualize it at all, and when I tried to all I could picture is an apron made of literal skin. but yeah, this actually looks p dope.
Crowdfunding link has been released: