Not really, if I can’t find a buyer I’ll just leave it for my kids… If I ever have one.
why does it surprise you, learning to defend yourself or at least knowing how to handle a firearm is important. I can see it that I’m gonna be a hard-ass especially trying to teach them how to drive because like this and that, It’s not a game. I’ll try my best to make a father son bonding like catching frogs if I ever have one that is.
Ngl, that’s a mindset I can grind with lol
Yeah well, tell it to the frogs.
Things are heating up in the vk fandom when someone said guns are bad. And I whole heartedly agree with your decision faceless stranger. Guns are bad. Anyway here’s what I bought.
Beautiful ceramic composite, hollowed grip, half a pound on the front because i don’t fight against the recoil, laser pointer and a reflex sight that’s gotta be screwed in. Built in compensater. No hammer.
Here’s something that’s been passed down to me it’s fucking older than me.
A French single shot shotgun.
Man I got a cz75b at home, sturdy sumbitch been used for 14 years I swear if I could clean it, give a proper pamper, that cats gonna be a fucking monster. Sadly can’t post that, well because.
Cereal number. Hmmm kelloggs cornflakes. Kelloggs preferred brand alright.
Gonna sell it 4 times the profit. Its quite easy here you know, just gotta run the permits through the governors office, stamp them at the gendermarie, wham bam done. He can go on a killing spree it won’t matter gun laws are only strict for cops. Man Canada has it best in these terms, you gotta keep it in a safe, an inspector is dispacted every 2 months to check the safety of the conditions, the vault and the weapon itself, no need to talk about carrying it.
Thing is, at the rate things are going, how restless the worlds become in less than 5 years, before this decades out 1 in every 6 people in the world will have guns, the question is.
How do we arm the other 5? Do you know who’s gonna inherit the earth? Gun runners, because everyone else is too busy killing each other, that’s the secret to survival. Never go to war. Especially with yourself.
Bought this land off, went to the chopshops got me self a brand spanking new door, made a garage for the tractor, painted it down except for that little ottoman farsi scribble which dates back to the 16th century as I recently learned.
And yeah I got me some new and old gunz wanna see?!
New nintendo since my son broke my first one
the twilight novel series
Very nice, very nice
New fancy chocolate. The orange one is made using some goat milk. Surprisingly, it’s not too strong.
rare beauty makeup
Got a portable CD/DVD drive. Works on android too
Petition to bring back the trend of carrying your CDs and CD player to listen to music.
Gift from my onii chan.
Apparently it was made in Japan according to the seller with the authenticity of the blood splatter stuff on the edge of the blade but it’s been thawed out.
Will sharpen the edge and I’m Planning to play fruit ninja irl.
Oh yeah bought a couple CD’s dvds for 10 euros, will arrive in 2 days.