I’m really excited about the remakes of all my favorite indies tunes but I’m also a little worried. I haven’t always enjoyed lynch. remakes but I want to put my faith in them for such a large project.
To be honest though, I wish they remade tracks from SHADOWS. I wouldn’t be worried about that since I think SHADOWS is the indies album closest to their current sound. I actually think a remake would make me like the album more…
As much as this year made me wish ALL of our 2005~ favorites would do something like this, I have somewhat less faith in current lynch. making interesting remakes of GDS. It’s a great album though, and if I’m wrong that would be amazing
Oh yeah @aihakujou you make a good point that there are a few other albums of theirs, (not necessarily as old) that could actually benefit more from this!
Honestly, I’ve already spectaculated at least a re-issue for GDS 20th anniversary, but that’s not a bad idea at all. Given that it’s extremely hard to get.
I mean I’ve snatched my copy last year for 11K yen, and that’s a tame price comparing to other offers I’ve seen
Who knows, if this turns out good, maybe later on we’ll get retakes or re-releases of the rest lynch. albums and singles from before I Believe In Me.
Not to be a downer, but I can already see them taking all the interesting textures and sounds of the original releases and sanding them down. They might do heavier renditions of the originals, but I’m betting they’ll be devoid of any character, impact, or grit (Like the remake of I’m sick b’cuz luv you). “Over produced” is the term running through my head right now.
I would LOVE to be proven wrong as greedy dead souls is one of my favorite releases by the band, really in the whole vkei realm of music. Please do justice to your legacy lynch.
SICK. Been with these guys from the beginning – Greedy Dead Souls was the album through which I discovered visual kei. Very excited to hear the new versions.
How is rereleasing gds lazy when the album is literally unpurchasable unless you pay through the nose for a used copy even in japan and it’s not on streaming?
It’s what the jp fans want.
i think greedy dead souls is pretty weak and they didn’t really take off until the next album. given how relatively straight-forward their music is, they benefitted lots from better production and polish. although admittedly they peaked with SHADOWS and I BELIEVE IN ME, with rest of their discography remaining mostly as a enjoyable fun reriff of those two.
I also think greedy dead souls is not their best album by far. Feels more like mixtape where they threw all the singles and leftovers on one album. No coherence.
people want a rerecording since yusuke and akinori weren’t involved in the original. Also hazuki’s screams sound much better now.
But i do agree that it isn’t their best album. They had some interesting ideas but it was… Sloppy? I guess the mishmashyness of it is part of the charm. I’m curious to see what yusuke and ak will bring to the table and hear it with hazuki’s updated voice.