MERRY new album, "Strip" release

yeah, that’s just distasteful. You can’t pull shit like this and expect people to give you a pass just cuz “oh its my art and i’m so edgy and quirky sooo crazy”

I like most of their stuff and still hope they catch some flack for this

I’m more bothered by the ppl on twitter reporting MERRY’s account than this look tbh


Honestly, Japan has gotten in trouble a lot for their portrayal of black people in the media that if anyone was smart, just not to cause trouble, they would steer clear of stuff like this. So if you do get back-lash, I’m sure you knew that that was a possibility from the beginning. Everyone chooses their own path right

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It’s still an OOF from me.

I try not to judge cases like these, because context is often missing from bands who rarely post in English and the majority of the international fanbase isn’t fluent in Japanese.

But blackface is about more than just having “a black face”. There are things like exaggerated lips (pictured on Nero), “black” hairstyles (not present), suits, jazzy or urban style clothes (pictured here for all three), or mocking of African American speech or mannerisms (not present).

So in a quick “is it blackface?” checklist, they’ve scored three out of five.

Maybe not enough to say that they were doing this on purpose, but enough to say “hey, you’ve known about your international fandom for years. Maybe take a look over your photo shoots and ask ‘will this cause offence to totally innocent people who view it out of context’?”

They could have had ink patterns on the other three members as well, instead of full black. They could have done Nero’s make up differently, they could have worn more “traditional” style clothing.


Not everything is about blacks or America for that matter.


did you know? black japanese people exist, and black people live in japan. :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:
also if you’re not black, saying “blacks” is very… yikes


And what do you propose to call them if not “blacks”? What’s a better term to use?


this thread is just gonna guru guru mawaru endlessly over the same conversation, seeing that with topics like this no one can ever arrive at a satisfying conclusion.

Keep it civil at least and don’t make assumptions about folks/derail it too much into US politics


I had a conversation w. somebody (((black))) if this matters) on another board regarding this specific thing.

you just say “black people.” same way no one says “whites” in a casual conversation w/o getting an immediate stink eye back.

I don’t think it’s a language nuance that will be crushing ppl’s lives when not being paid attention to, but it made sense to me in the retrospect, especially when sort of mentally recapping some local racial micro-aggressions flourishing at the same space.


Black may be black, but that’s black skin. I don’t think there’s any way of removing the racial connotation from skin that’s black. And that’s only the most basic connection. There’s also the actual practice of people (entertainers especially) painting their skin black and lips red, in this exact way, to caricature people born with dark skin. So how’s it still “just a color” when these connotations are right there and the first thing anyone thinks of when they see the image?

I’m not exactly interested in moralizing about this or that online, but I’m so annoyed by this look. The sheer naivety of them actually going along with it and wasting everyone’s time and energy on this and their apologies is infuriating. If you don’t want to communicate racial messages, don’t use visual language that says exactly that. I was going to write that it’s not offensive, just stupid, but no. Actually it is offensive. I am offended. As a visual designer and communicator.


Nah, “black” is fine. Really. It’s not offensive.

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I don’t think it’s far thought at all. Basically the main reason non-black people have painted their skin black in the last couple hundred years has been to play ultimately negative caricatures of black people. That should be enough to make everyone considering painting their skin black or some other skin color strongly associated with a caricature, reconsider, whatever their own motivation to do so. Not just because it might hurt someone. I’m intentionally not talking about feelings, because it always leads to moaning about people being too sensitive and asking questions like “was anyone actually hurt or are people just angry because they think they should be”. That doesn’t get us anywhere.

My point is, when drafting a message, visual or otherwise, you should make a real effort to try to say what you mean and not just stumble into meanings you didn’t intend. Maybe they did have some nice ideas for what it all means, but who’s going to see them through these completely overpowering symbols that they apparently didn’t mean to be there? That’s bad. It’s their bad for not being thoughtful and effective communicators. Not mine for being able to read their image and not being interested in trying very hard to come up with vague favorable interpretations to ignore the obvious ones. Besides, I don’t think their case gets any better when listing all of the negative things they perhaps did mean the dark skin to represent. Are we’re cleaning of the dark(black)ness to make them white? Again, I’m meant to give the benefit of the doubt in my interpretation even when there’s nothing positive about how they’re presenting black skin? Give me a break.

To reiterate, I’m not saying never face paint, never mention or approach the topic of race, never even use the color black for anything or that black always has to be about race. I’m not saying they’re trying to be hurtful. But what I am saying is that they’re dumb and in all likelyhood have some weird ideas about black people. I need them to be smarter about how they communicate their concept and less weird about blackness.


they’re baaaaaaack

their first ebook has been released thru GalacaaBook and it chronicles their tour during the pandemic


yes, i think it got misunderstood.
there’s a difference between “black” and “blacks”. like when people say “the blacks”… that is what sounds off. obviously “black” isnt wrong at all, lol. it can be bad when comments get misinterpreted


Hmmm…that’s different for us over here. I’ve been called worse to my face and I’m sure @CAT5 has too. Black isn’t the most optimal term but it’s not offensive. But let’s not move the goalpost. The conversation should remain about MERRY and their upcoming album for now.


I would say that it is only a caricature when also intended as one. I don’t think that there attempt was in the end in anyway to trigger anyone. They probably were just like “that red lipstick would for sure would look pretty quirky in this look”.


My guess is that it has something to do with eroguro and shock value.but failed.
Lets put aside the rasism for a second.just judje them is outdated, awful, boring and ignorant. It is worse because merry has political themes as band and punk as genre too.the expectations are higher.they should be educated about political issues.and we see bands like deg way more political that started as emo.
I agree that japan is closed off and even rasist.maybe it reflects his country level of awareness because his ideas seem basic like the japanese sheep(calling his fans doesnt even include foreigners)
Mejibray black face in context if i remember was because they were upset with each other at the time and fighting with the music company in dramatic way .also really the expectations from an “attention whore band” is not the same with merry.even if it is unfair.
Then again you could think who cares about a random japanese band with little fans.why give a shit if they are noones if their art is bad… ? This is derogative for them though


Alright lovely people,

Let’s get back on topic and focus on MERRY’s new album release now everyone. :heart:

We can keep on discussing this forever but there will be no end to it.

Thank you for understanding.


I’m excited about the fact that we’ll get a whole album of new songs this time, no singles beforehand (tho I guess they will probably release a music video to hype up the album).

On the other hand, I’m also a bit worried since this will be their first release without Kenichi on board… not that he seemingly contributed that much to begin with songwriting-wise on their last few albums sadly. ;(


Yeah, I am very excited to hear something new from them. I was introduced to them with songs like Human Farm. I probably like the Beautiful Freaks album the most (mainly because of Yakou). I don’t know if that is an unpopular opinion, haha.

Anyway, can’t wait!