MUCC - 愛の唄 (Ai no Uta)

Premiere at 2024/05/12


This feels like it will be a hit or miss, somehow.

So, the premier just ended and imo it’s decent enough i guess? It’s a standard MUCC Jazz Rock and it’s not a bad thing really. A little bit underwhelming for a debut record though.

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I wish merry had this kind of budget for their PVs in 2024 i’m not going to lie…


surprised me just a little. pretty cool song

I can dig it. Liking the crazy guitar tones.

It has potential. Cautiously optimistic

Where is Allen the drummer? He is not credited.

he’s a support member

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This has to be one of their weakest singles in quite some time, what the hell were they thinking with releasing this as a single. Would even have been an easy skip as an album filler… Does the song even have a chorus? What a disappointment. Weak Mucc, weak. Don’t hype up a YT premiere if this is what you have to offer :cold_face:

lol i was mildly curious what they were going to sound like after signing with tokuma (I expected flat-out dad rock tbh) particularly with a name like this and i wanna say it still has something surprising about it.

I didn’t expect this sort of sound, but i wish it was slower, more distorted - like, grungier and heavier??? something something?

I’d say it doesn’t have a lot of replay value without the PV.

Pretty good song. Considering the title of the song and Tokuma Crown devouring them, I expected it to be way worse

I’m surprised… I actually like this??? Somehow the vibe brings me back to their older days when they used to dabble in this kind of atmosphere, only with a different polish. It’s okay.


LOVED it! And very nice video too

Yep, reminds me of those post-Tsuuzetsu, pre-Homura Uta singles

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I am surprised that almost everyone in here is completely blown away by the song.

mucc were really bland for a longest time so I guess everyone gets extra agitated when there’s literally anything new from them these days style-wise

I check their looks and their videos out and that’s really it
musically they’re way out of what I want in my playlist, and I didn’t like the throwback heavy song they did some time ago either, so idk


Not completetly blown away, but we also had a time where all we got was songs like World’s end or MOTHER


their singles are typically their weakest tracks so any single that actually grabs my attention is beating expectations

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I admit, I started playing this and turned it off half way through. I’ll give it a second go, but it didn’t really grab me.

Like the cool pants tho.