These songs were shown at the birthday lives of 4 of the members. Glad to see the official release is coming. If it’s a single maybe they’ll add a 3rd song like they usually do. I thought the songs were nice ! Very Ruka.
Thinking a Lot about Ruka fuckboi era … awww yes slay give this man 40 more years and he’ll be wearing short shorts #believe
Anyways we were supposed to like the music too so waiting for the official releases I’m Sorry Naitomea I know this hurts but I prefer studio over live …
Hitsugi’s been showing a lot more skin recently I’m thinking probably because of his tattoos and weight loss. He’s posted videos of his back getting tattooed on his fanpla, and also shared a video of him performing at a recent Gremlins concert shirtless on the membership side of his Youtube channel. That was crazy new to me, never seen that before. Don’t know if he’ll do that at a Nightmare concert any time soon, though
Yes!! Is it really Sakito if you don’t have a bit of midriff? I also appreciate Ni~ya’s silvery pants, very disco, or shall I say, it makes me wanna Dasei Boogie
Ah weight loss! I noticed that he was smaller than some old photos and I was thinking that. He looks great, based on the photos and clips I saw on Twitter!
It was really just a one minute or so clip that he showed a couple times of him performing Bacchus, there’s not really proper audio, and that’s the only performance video I think he’s shown. The streams are archived for members with the first one being【打ち上げ】ツアーありがとうございました!and 【雑談】お さ な な じ み where he shows the clip to his friends. Each time he shows the clip at about the 3 hour mark
The interesting thing is that they’ve said…? at lives that they’ll be around for their 50th anniversary I thinkkkk? More knowledgeable folks can correct me if I’m wrong, but yes - you might just get your wish