NIGHTMARE (ナイトメア) new digital singles "久遠" and "Labyrinth" release

Nightmare to officially release Kuon and Labyrinth as part of a digital single on August 21st

These songs were shown at the birthday lives of 4 of the members. Glad to see the official release is coming. If it’s a single maybe they’ll add a 3rd song like they usually do. I thought the songs were nice ! Very Ruka.


Dammmmmnnnn what a great look too!!!


Nice but… Are they eve going to release an album? I hope the music can be bought since streaming quality… :s

Basic look! Nothing new that I’ve seen before.


The bar is high here at JRock One


They said single release. So doesn’t seem like it

The band is like this video :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I require Sendai Kamotsu to recreate this


Totally understand, I’m pretty biased for these guys :rofl:

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It’s absolutely new to me personally to see Hitsugi with his tattooed arms bare and we here for it :pensive::+1::+1::+1::pray::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::tada::tada::tada::crazy_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::heart::sob::drooling_face::kissing_heart::kissing_closed_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::100::100::100::100::100::tada::tada::revolving_hearts:

Sorry if we sound trollish Im at a movie n super bored but I do stan Hitsugis arm tatss


I will forever accept this as the official music video for the world


God, I love their new look!! Hitsugi’s and Ruka’s tattoos being completely visible is so nice. And Sakito is being revealing, like always LOL


Thinking a Lot about Ruka fuckboi era … :heart_eyes: awww yes slay give this man 40 more years and he’ll be wearing short shorts #believe

Anyways we were supposed to like the music too so waiting for the official releases :joy: I’m Sorry Naitomea I know this hurts but I prefer studio over live …

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Hitsugi’s been showing a lot more skin recently I’m thinking probably because of his tattoos and weight loss. He’s posted videos of his back getting tattooed on his fanpla, and also shared a video of him performing at a recent Gremlins concert shirtless on the membership side of his Youtube channel. That was crazy new to me, never seen that before. Don’t know if he’ll do that at a Nightmare concert any time soon, though


Are the gremlins performances still up if you sign to the membership ? I didn’t know he put performances there

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Yes!! Is it really Sakito if you don’t have a bit of midriff? :rofl: I also appreciate Ni~ya’s silvery pants, very disco, or shall I say, it makes me wanna Dasei Boogie :man_dancing:


Ah weight loss! I noticed that he was smaller than some old photos and I was thinking that. He looks great, based on the photos and clips I saw on Twitter!

Thank you for joining and posting this info too!


It was really just a one minute or so clip that he showed a couple times of him performing Bacchus, there’s not really proper audio, and that’s the only performance video I think he’s shown. The streams are archived for members with the first one being【打ち上げ】ツアーありがとうございました!and 【雑談】お さ な な じ み where he shows the clip to his friends. Each time he shows the clip at about the 3 hour mark


The interesting thing is that they’ve said…? at lives that they’ll be around for their 50th anniversary I thinkkkk? More knowledgeable folks can correct me if I’m wrong, but yes - you might just get your wish :joy:

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Have you guys seen how he looks in “off-mode” so to say? Quite different!

It will working you just click it.
Just a fun small thing if you haven’t seen, since he always goes hardcore on his looks, as a fan. I’m also a fan :star_struck:

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