Petit Brabancon New Single "渇き" (Kawaki) Release

“Mixied” I’m dead

They wanted us to read the credits in an uwu voice

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That final scream in A Praying Man has probably one of kyo’s best high screams on a recorded track I’ve heard since like 2014. The amount of distortion they put on them in TIW killed me

They tweeted today that they’re selling some more of those Kawaki premium sets… I think?
Could someone clarify what exactly they mean? Since they mention “pre-production” stuff?

What Google translates as “pre-production” is rather a small stock. I guess they produced a bit more in case people receive damaged goods and they can exchange them. So it’s kinda the leftovers they didn’t sell.

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I also think they didn’t sell as many as they were anticipating so they’re lumping in the excess with the pre-production stock.