Postrock / Blackgaze / Postmetal

Just found this awesome new Post-black metal band from México. Their stuff is name your price on Bandcamp: Somnium | Luna Pythonissam

Absolutely amazing band from Australia :kangaroo: typically labeled Depressive bm but very much fit the Post-metal/black metal label in even more so IMHO.

Austere is straight up depressive black metal. It’s less claustrophobic and melancholic than, say, Trist or Hypothermia, but that’s mainly down to a less monotone and distorted sound, and a more “airy” production that let’s the instruments breathe a bit more. But everything from the riffs to the vocals are straight up depressive black metal.

“To Lay like Old Ashes” is one of the 10 best black metal albums of the 2000’s, and “Withering Illusions and Desolation” is pretty fucking incredible as well.

And after a hiatus for more than 10 years they’re back, and I am excited to see what they’ll bring to the table. Hopefully they’ll continue with the same sound as previous.

I know obviously I’m in the minority with this opinion but, taken from Wikipedia "Songs are typically long and employ crescendos, gradually building upon repeated themes; Aaron Turner of Isis stated that “the standard song format of verse-chorus-verse-chorus is something that has been done and redone, and it seems pointless to adhere to that structure when there are so many other avenues to explore”. I feel that pretty much all of TLLOA encompasses this to a tee for example in the songs: To Fade With The Dusk, To Lay Like Old Ashes, and coma II. The entire album sounds highly reminiscent of WITTR. Also Post-metal or in this case and WITTR’s Post-black metal often uses riffs and vocals from Depressive black metal all the time, so I hardly think that’s enough to dismiss them as Dsbm. And very often Post-black metal bands are referred to simply as Depressive even though there are some clear differences, hate to keep referencing them but again not unlike Wolves in the Throne Room. Just my opinion though they are very commonly and unanimously considered Depressive.

Same very excited.

This sounds good, although I feel like the band’s getting weaker with every release. He’s just never been close to matching Toward the Depths and Sorh. I absolutely adore the foggy and harsh production of those two, combined with the choices of melodies. A lot of the magic disappeared for me when he started going for really clean and polished productions.

And I can’t believe it’s been 8 years since As the Stars already. Fuck, time flies.