Random thoughts thread

In any relationship, there’s usually an element of possesion or “belonging to”. That’s why we say “MY husband, MY wife, MY mother, MY father, MY brother, MY sister, MY friend, etc, etc” So to possess something doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. It’s just that the word “possess” has many negative connotations, so we tend to automatically associate it with evil or ill intent. But all it means is to “belong to”. We usually don’t bat an eye when someone says something like, “you two belong together”. It’s a matter of semantics, really.

And generally, ppl tend to take care of and protect the things that belong to them, if they actually value and treasure them.

So possessing or belonging to a person does not mean that you own that person like you’d own a pet, a car, or a piece of property…it also does not mean that you can or should violate that person’s free will.

Think about it. How do you even get to the point where you can call a person, “your girlfriend” or “my girlfriend”? Doesn’t the other person have to agree to it in the first place?

So in the case of intimate relationships, you usually belong to someone (or someone belongs to you) based on a mutual agreement. From what I can tell, problems arise and things become toxic when you violate that agreement. And the issue with that is that many ppl enter into relationships having no idea what they’re agreeing to because they never discuss these things in the first place, but I’m going on a tangent, so I digress.

Basically, i think people hear the idea of “possessesion” in reference to relationships and have a kneejerk reaction to it because they don’t actually stop to consider what it means. They automatically jump to this extreme, slave situation in their heads where someone is being forced into a relationship against their own will, or in a relationship where someone treats them like a dog or worse. So the real concern here is not the terminology or the idea of possession, but it’s the fear of you or someone else having their free-will violated or abused.


Lol, I forgot we do share the same name!

I ended up meeting all girls through school usually and then work after graduating. It’s interesting that you mention that school is the first place where you got a taste of that. When I think about it, k-12 is maybe the time where people notice or care about that the most. In college I don’t think people really care and people sure could care less at work.

While we’re being candid, I for sure was hot in pursuit of relationships in my college years. I’ll never forget, I had a crush on a girl in one of my art classes. Sometimes we’d work in the studio at the same time and talk and hang out. I watched this youtuber at the time and they uploaded a video on relationships or something and they said, “if you have feelings for someone, just man up and say so”. So without really thinking, the next day I told them I think I like them and they were just like, “oh…thank you but let’s stay friends”.

One of the most awkard moments of my life but we still ended up talking time to time and she’d even tease me about me having had a crush on her hah.

Oh wow, that honestly sounds awesome! You gotta prove it in the post a selfie thread!

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Belonging to is something totally different than possession but seemingly you don’t want to get that difference.
I might have been born by a certain woman but she never possessed me or will possess me. She not even belongs to me anymore even though she’s still alive as far as I know.
And even belonging is pretty close to the edge. At least I can take care and value relationships - no matter of which level - without anyone belonging to me. They are there because they want to as I am. There’s no need for belonging or possession.

I know you have a very possessive view on that stuff but that doesn’t make it less toxic than it is. I won’t tell you change, because that’s not how or who I am. You can explain to me your view as much as you want but that still won’t change anything about its toxicity.

Protecting and caring also are something totally different than being overly jealous and going aboard with that. No matter if that results out of insecurities or other reasons.

And that’s been the situation this discussion came up from and which you agreed with.

Wait, so let me get this straight. You think that two people agreeing to be together (to belong to one another) and doing what they need to do to protect their relationship is toxic?

It gets toxic when - to stick with the constellation of the situation mentioned above - you’d just not want her to have a friend just because he’s male, yes.

Again, protecting and therefore caring about a relationship is something totally different.

And framing that way things were mentioned above and all this, is toxic.
Caring and respectfully protecting ain’t.

@Kuro Whatever a couple agrees to in a relationship is completely up to them.


It is the way they go by that doesn’t lessen toxicity when it’s there.
Aside from this is not “yeah it is normal amongst men to do this” because this goes beyond an agreement in a certain relationship. And in the mentioned situation it doesn’t seem like they agreed to him acting this way but I might be wrong on that point so that’s just an assumption.

Toxicity is entirely subjective, so what’s toxic to one person might be normal to another or good to them, what they grew up with etc. You can’t just proclaim that what he’s talking about is toxic as a matter of fact since it’s strictly your opinion. :sweat_smile:

That‘s also not true.
There‘s a lot of toxicity society teaches us as normal, it still ain‘t.
It‘s why it took me almost 40 years of my life to learn I grew up under toxic circumstances and why that seemed normal to me, broke me and a lot more and also got me into several toxic relationships (I‘m not defining of what kind). That has nothing to do with being subjective.

But it is, until you either discover or someone informs you that it isn’t. It’s normal, whether it’s “right” or not is entirely a whole different matter and also entirely subjective since right and wrong isn’t an objective truth either. This has all been one big exercise in psychology that you might have a project of the sort in college. :man_shrugging: CATS even stated that what’s good for one person isn’t going to necessarily be for other people which is itself objective, but when you start to get into the whole “this is toxic and wrong and this isn’t” etc then it’s a whole can of worms and all left up for interpretation because I can guarantee we could all list off things we find to be toxic and someone here won’t agree that it is. :no_good_man:

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I just catched cold and when I wasn’t at school one of my classmates drew a caricature of my face and just place it on my seat.
Best classmate award :medal_sports:


I just learned how to do the ≠ on mac, and not a moment too soon since I’m delving into the eroguro rabbit hole.


I can’t find any mention on here of this, or I’m blind. CDJapan : Chuzuri Shojo [Tsugai Ban] gulu gulu CD Maxi

I have noticed that I rarely use my smartphone for phone calls, but it’s full with photos of my cats, nature or flowers I photograph outside.

I love nature because it seems nothing is perfect there. Outdoors always remind me just how beautiful the earth is, it’s okay to be not like the norm.


Gulu Gulu (ぐるぐる) new look ?..

Woah the pictures are so beautifuuuul!!!
My phone is full of pictures of the neighbors’ kitties too lol. They are so fat and squishy.

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Is this normal? I’m trying to post in a thread and got this message for the first time.

*or is this jrockone’s way of telling me to go get a life? :joy:

Lilac is one of the best smelling plants. Acacia tree as well in my opinion


Check the horror movie thread. The reason why some of my posts are so long is because I am the only one posting there, and I have to keep edit my posts.

sigh I am at my home, all is kind of fine. My dad gets very sick with some kind of GI issue and I get worried seeing as this kind of stuff almost killed him once so I go to his home and we go to a hospital. Even though he is pale and puking nonstop and has trouble walking hospital treats it as if it is nothing big. I barely refrain from getting into a fight there, he wants to go home but I insist so we wait almost 4 hours for basically nothing (a couple of stomach OTC meds and a clean ECG … no diagnosis.) so we go home and I do my best to treat him, he takes OTC meds and eats soup but still feels bad and …

Today it’s me - the one who is still in a medical leave due to harassment induced anxiety and depression - who has clearly developed some kind of GI issue too, even though I have been careful with hygienizing cutlery / sharing etc. I feel weak and shivering and tired but can’t go to bed or else I know I am gonna puke and I HATE puking … belly feels full and aches. And I have to pretend I am fine even though I suck at this nursing shit and hate it

So I don’t mask around him but now I am masking indoors because I am super sensitive to allergies I get at his home and it makes me feel even weaker. He then complains that I am masking because we are fully vaxxed and “COVID is over” . My Dear Lord it’s been over 2 years and I didn’t manage to convince him with all of my knowledge of epidemiology (when I am home I hygienize literally everything that comes from outside and mask whenever I am in contact with anyone else but I can’t do that here or else we will fight … ) but he will lick some ill intentioned “”"""“right wing”""""" politician’s balls any day.

( But apparently people in third world countries spend their days dancing and making love or some shit lol certainly not having diarrhoea every other day and tryin to juggle full time jobs and college … )