Random thoughts thread

Hmm, the INI version of Gifted. is interesting. I like the guy with the short hair. He’s giving lots of personality. The one with the grey-ish hair seemed like he had the right idea as well, in the like 2 seconds he was on screen. Needs more intense eye contact though. It’s not Gifted. unless they’re staring right into your soul the whole time. :sweat_smile:

I wish they did it with hand mics as well. The vibe is really different with the hand mics vs those headset things.

Sweet popcorn is the only valid flavour of popcorn. Other flavours just taste like styrofoam

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I miss olive oil flavoured popcorn…

I didn’t know that exists

Is that an Italy thing?

More of an Albany thing.


I know I’m late but thanks for solving this mystery, I always hated that he chose that name especially because I thought deathgaze was a great name but now that I realize this I no longer dislike the name since I also love Pantera.

Also about Nocturnal Bloodlust, personally I completely separate art from artist. The person might be the worst person in the world but if I enjoy the art, I enjoy the art, and see no reason to miss out on it just because it happened to be made by a certain person. If they’re bad enough then I might choose to not support them financially but bad people can still make good things.

Finally, as someone who’s never really had much money at all there’s no way I can believe having money and not knowing what to spend it on is worse than not having enough money. That seems absurd to me because pretty much everything costs money and not having it just means you can’t really do anything. Depending on location and how little money you have you might not even have the option to feed yourself, (at least legally), but with money you can still live exactly the same way you would without it if you want, all it does is open up your options of what you can do. When you don’t have money your immediate goal is pretty much survival, and you have to do lots of shit you don’t want to in order to achieve it, but money gives you the luxury of choosing not to do those things and your goal just shifts to finding happiness, whatever that may be for you, but I understand that everyone is effected by circumstances differently so I guess for you it may very well be the case.


I mostly meant like broke not like no money at all, you have food, bills are paid but you know you want to buy something but can’t since you’re broke. Not knowing what you want leads to a myriad of feelings like dissatisfaction, feeling lost, fear, depression etc. Obviously the luxury of not knowing what to buy is a first world problem and can be a nice problem to have, but for me it creates a manic state and can get depressing if I don’t find a solution because I’ve posted on here lately about how I’ve deleted my entire music library and started over nearly every day redownloading everything from scratch etc which creates anxiety fear that I’m going to buy something and regret it or move onto something else before I even get it in the mail. That’s part of being content and satisfied which I am in the vast majority of my life, but music is one thing that I can’t lock in on and stick with.

I am currently torn between DARRELL, Diru, キズ, and the manic side is like “Hey but that MORRIE album even though you haven’t listened to his stuff in years.” And not to mention two 9,000 yen figures by Petit Branbancon and sukekiyo will probably announce something by the end of the month.

I would love to be able to recall the moment when Lime’s voice just clicked with me out of nowhere and stopped being annoying and grating because he’s become one of my favorite vocalists and キズ one of my favorite bands which I would have never said a year or so ago.

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Idk, but it was tasty :sob: the last time I bought it was 15 years ago

Ollie London is now a KOREAN transwoman.

RIP Jp-Rock. It was around 15 years, but they announced they’re closing down.

Not too happy to see the scene shrink, but one door closing means another opens somewhere else. We’re all here after all anyway. I’m glad it’s getting put in stasis and not wiped entirely - preservation in any form is key.

i feel very out of the scene, all these posts abt bands pausing/going on hiatus and i’ve heard of none of them lmao

No, that means you’re right where you need to be. Even when I was really, really into visual kei, there were always bands disbanding that I never heard of. It got to a point on MH where we had to make a rule where small time bands were put into a special thread so it didn’t clutter the News section.

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i suppose so, just feels like i’m also paying much less attention too i guess

Gave a shot, opened my mind, but no, not for me. Definitely not, Nocturnal Bloodlust, especially after Cazqui and Daichi left is so dull, and I can’t stand Hiro’s singing in general.

Kiyoharu has always been a step ahead. SADS is finally here to go alongside SIDS. Maybe he’s a time traveler.

taking a mental health day and have been binging sailor moon crystal, planning a much needed 2023 japan trip with my bf and quaking for phalaris. she is rejuvenating.

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