Random thoughts thread

Be my guest :woman_shrugging:t2:

Play the tsubasa. pv at my funeral

Physical media is still king in Japan where they worry a lot about piracy and the average Japanese person still rents cds so that’s probably never going away, but that being said cds are dying out in the west where digital media is now king and vinyl is seeing a resurgence with the occasional download code coming alongside vinyls you pick up. Japan is always so tech forward, but some of their traditions will go kicking and screaming into hell like keitai culture and the aforementioned cds as some people still to this day use a flip phone in Japan regardless of how prevalent the influence of Apple is on the country. :man_shrugging:t2:

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All my coworkers… it’s annoying. They don’t even have LINE or any other messenger…

I bet they all have MacBooks and iMacs and AirPods though xD

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I always found that remarkable, hah

Did the Yoshiki Under the Sky documentary ever come out? I saw it was postponed at one point then forgot all about it.

Most of Japanese don’t have pc or laptops at their homes…

Wow so most are work computers?

Yep, an average japanese starting use basic things like MS word only after employment.

Does Galaxy Broad Shop not ship overseas anymore? When you go to register for an account it’s just prefectures.

I’m a huge fan of these guys. I’ve had their album on repeat ever since I discovered them

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I don’t understand something. Is there no chat on here now? Nor a status inbox? So any chat in real time has to be done elsewhere? :thinking: That’s kinda basic isn’t it?

Chat is on Discord and there are integrations between the forum and Discord.

How so?

of all the times to enforce the dress code, it had to be during a heat wave -.-

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Why don’t they sell dolman’s or cutsews outside of Japan?

Found what I’m replacing my wardrobe with on Amazon jp, yay. It’ll do until I can get out of debt then buy a JULIUS every few months and slowly build a wardrobe that I’ve wanted for two years now over the next year.

Describing visual kei: “Imagine Bon Jovi but in Japanese” :sweat_smile:

Lol, feeling more and more validated for picking Australian dogman as my fav from TEMPUS.