Random thoughts thread

Haha, it would take much more than that to make me lose interest in eating potatoes

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Ramen bowls are quite versatile. You can use them as intended for soupy meals, but can also work a fruit bowl, serving plate, using it to prepare bagels and found the seeds to not fall everywhere and instead funnels to the middle. Only need plates now for meals that require cutting but since I tend to prepare my meals in bitesize pieces I never need them nowadays.

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I really want a cigarette :frowning:

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I wonder if you can rent a boyfriend in any other country but Japan. These guys can commercialize anything you could think of… Would at least try to practice on my conversation skills if I could afford it and did not embarrass myself. lmfao

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Sorry for late update. But I realized it no longer works on my Mac OS El Capitan machine. Firefox says its up to date because it is on the most up to date version (78) for that OS, though it seems the current firefox version otherwise is much higher. Can’t update that OS on that machine so I might try to find another browser, but Opera, Firefox, and Safari don’t seem to work.

My other main machine is on Windows 7, and JRO works fine on Firefox on it, which makes sense because its Firefox ver. 103.

So yeah… probably my fault for having an OS from 2015. Though it is funny Win7 works fine (2009).

It’s because the SSL (Let’s Encrypt) JRO is using no longer supports older versions of browsers and OSes due to DST Root CA X3 expiration in September last year. So JRO isn’t the only site that has such an issue with older machines. Here is a guide to fixing it.


I Just Love arabic Supermarkets. Casually buying 2.9kg olives is nice :pray::grin:


How can I become less stoic? I don’t wanna think that this is all just planned ahead because I’m in the dark. People who have had over 3 decades of experience, men who have seen both gulf wars, women who traveled the world come and ask me personally just to talk, to give guidence, sure I’m a brat but when they all said that you don’t know what you’re capable of I’ve always dismissed it because when I thought about making my move it was 5 years ago, now? Waiting has given light to what I thought was endless darkness and despair I would’ve been happy but it is better to cast off your soul and nature for if it offends you is it not profitable? Thy not your whole body be cast into hell. Nevermind that. Whenever I talk with girls I feel like yozo oba only I’m not rich and handsome. It’s scary really, only a girl could ever complete a man. To me they’re like mind readers, but I’ve always wondered to someone who can easy create a following I’ve never tried to talk to girls in my country, mainly because they’re psychotic or are late bloomers (wishful thinking) but mainly psychos. But seeing 3 other continents I’ve never thought there were people who would… I guess I would have hope to, Im scared that it is all an elaborate hoax that they are lying to me, I can’t believe I’m still innocent after all those things I’ve done. I remember my father telling his side of reality, how he worked and lost 40 pounds in 2 weeks yet not to receive money after heavy labour at a construction site, slowly reeling him in with no escape, when it was time for a religious holiday he demanded money only to be outnumbered and he had to run. When I told him my “similar” encounter he looked at me like those I have told the truth, he didn’t know what to say. Maybe they think I’m lying? I don’t know. People mistake my compassion for affection. I don’t blame them, as many poets or “writers” poorly describe as loneliness, it is ultimately true. I always thought I wanted to do these things both good and bad, evil and good. So I could see anything coming, expect anything, fear everything, but live in content so I could learn and taste water like its my last day. I don’t mean to whine and complain I just don’t know what to do, for someone who has been to anywhere and done anything I still haven’t made any progress. Maybe I’m not approachable, I’ve been told I’m too serious and… Well looks like a crack addict in a really nice suit. It’s just… I don’t want to be let down, I don’t want to go down that road again, I want to believe I truly do, but how can I be better? To those who actually read how can I bring the best from the worst of people? Am I over thinking this? I think they thought I really am a good person, who just strains himself for too long. I don’t know what I’m waiting for. I’m kept in the dark, is something missing? I don’t think I can hold on much longer, I made my mind that I would start again, from nothing, even if it leads to my death, Everyone I know who doesn’t want the weight of the truth or their actions pray for God the best way to them, the most safe and happy way. I don’t want that, I want to know, I want to suffer more, I want to be in the energy not with the end be it a place for my head, I want hope and despair to collide, I want others to lift the world from the darkness the pitiful unwittingly created, I want to understand. Is it so much to put together some of it when many are bent on destroying it? This isint something childish like being a messiah I could care less it’s just given all these gifts and forced myself through all these grandeur I only saw one way and that was suicide I didn’t care just wanted to end it, someone who has nothing to live for or anything, who has nothing to go back to. I would want to become something to look forward to for those who had nothing in life, who slowly perish in poverty and draught yet is gratified for the life they’ve been given, I would want to be a stepping stone for those who wish to give hope to others because they are afraid, afraid because those with slackness and degeneracy outnumber them. I truly think I’ve come so far yet have done nothing yet. I think they feel guilty calling me insane when I told from my side of things, after a week or so they say exactly what I told and when word came about me I confessed that I left out some intentionally and when I told one story. I won’t lie they all think I’m insane and mad I can’t blame them. I wish there was some other way for all… Because its life, anyone who has everything feels nothing sooner or later, nothing is like freedom in this life, nothing sweeter. Whatever its nothing to overthink about. And besides I think of this summat a hobby, got nothing better to do after all.

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My favourite genre of video is 2006 final fantasy/kingdom hearts amv made by some grubby scene kid with emo bangers playing

Me trying to sleep but can’t sleep. Trying not to sleep I will definitely fall asleep… :sleeping:


I plugged in the old DDR mat. Heavy only for the real players :fist:!


Please continue seeing your mental health professional. A lot of what you say is really troubling to hear, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels worried for you and hopes you can work with a professional to examine these thoughts and work them out.

As a veteran of various therapists for my own mental health issues, it’s worth it in the end, I promise.

Do any concert promoters in Europe sell online tickets? That’s freaking insane you need them to send you one to a physical address! Dude we’re in the 21st century :roll_eyes: Of course it’s pure profit for them.

You mean you couldn’t handle extreme? Weakling… :sunglasses: (jk if I attempted extreme now I would probably slip and shatter multiple things)

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its really hard to find part time job here when im not 18. either they dont take more people in or they need someone who is 18+ :upside_down_face::neutral_face:.


I’m actually not sure there is an extreme mode in the version I’m playing (DDR Max). Is that what was also referred to as “Oni” mode? I’ve tried that before and, yeah, it’s no joke! I can barely pass some songs on Heavy as it is :sweat_smile:

I think it was called Extreme in the version I had? Mine was one on PS2 (DDR Extreme 2), and yes, brutal. Could only knock out some songs and it took all the coordination my feetses could muster.

I think you wouldn’t be able to tell me apart, I think you wouldn’t care about it if we ever met face to face, I think like the others you would actually like me and would help me for who I am and what I want to do. Don’t you think it’s rather scary that we can never know what others are truly thinking on the inside, or at least underneath all the layers Who they are truly on the inside? What part of it is troubling to hear? Not that I disagree with you are absolutely right, they’re all right. But I think its necessary to know both sides so others won’t suffer, I would want them to smile and laugh. I wouldn’t want them to bear this but it’s just not possible, I said I never interacted with a girl before but in a completely different country after a week what others would describe being a “man” I only experienced and saw someone who didn’t want to be alone and be with someone who is sure and determined. And I know i said it again but it truly surprises me meeting someone who is better than ill ever be resting beside me. But the truth is I’m scared of everything. I’m afraid yet what things that I’ve done doesn’t justify this. Am I searching for perfection? Knowing its something I won’t find.

It’s sad but I really want someone I could call friend. Not someone I would see for one year and disappear but someone I could count on and care for. Someone who is strong enough to be themselves just as she told me but that’s the whole point. I just can’t. Better men have tried and they all regret it, once the papers crumbled up it can never be perfect again, an unintentional action could put you down a road where there’s no way to switchback. I just want to see them smile and laugh. But somehow it always comes back to me. I don’t want them to worry about me. Just let me go. No matter how close two people get there is an infinite distance between them.

Its something I can’t ever explain that I saw in my dream I saw so many different people, beautiful people and whenever I went beside them I would see the future I would share with them. So many happy memories. but there was one I saw laying on the ground and when i went beside and lay next to her I saw nothing.

I wonder if it’s a regional wording difference? I’m playing the NTSC versions. I have that one as well. I think there was a challenge difficultly too, but only for certain songs if I remember correctly?