Random thoughts thread

I love Maeda Airo, he’s like a dollar store jin and a dollar store hiro (verxina) and i love him for it.

I was writing my comment about dazzling bad, but if people still think iT is male, more power to them :raised_hands:t2::sparkling_heart::tulip:

her stature in Dear PV without the usual 5 inch tall wig set-up, and complete lack of group street shots filmed with any other members in one frame is p much a give-away their camera man avoids noticeable size comparison (not to mention the live parts of vocals)

I’ve come to realize that one of my favorite vk aesthetics is luxury marble


Budgets considered, that’s most likely linoleum.


It’s 5pm, I have the next 4 days off work and next week is evening shifts. I’m right at that sweet spot where I can either take a nap and ruin any semblance of a sleeping rhythm I’ve managed to make this week, or I could try to stay awake for a few more hours and maybe not lose control of everything… :thinking:

It’s about time that YOASOBI’s IDOL will be the most listened Japanese song on YouTube. Currently, #1 is 米津玄師 (Kenshi Yonezu)'s Lemon with 811m views.

Japanese musicians nowadays are aware of the music markets outside of Japan unlike in the past where they only created music to feed only the domestic audiences just because it was already enough for them to make a living as musicians without caring much about overseas fans.

But seeing how K-pop has succeeded these days probably makes them think that J-pop also has the potential to get big outside of Japan too considering the assets they already have, such as Japanese pop culture like anime and manga although it may be a bit late to realize. I really hope that J-pop can make it to the global music industry and lift J-rock up to become more popular internationally together.


Sorry, but not even K-Pop can lift K-Rock’s popularity.
Bands like Bursters would become at least as popular as the Gazette in only a few years compared to them if that’s the case.

That’s because K-rock never was popular as J-rock to begin with whereas there are a number of J-rock artists fairly known in the West, such as BAND-MAID, coldrain, LOVEBITES, ONE OK ROCK and more. IMO, K-pop and K-rock are complete different scenes unlike J-pop and J-rock that sometimes share similarities in music like two circles partially overlapping each other.

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Actually, yeah you’re right. I’ve thought about F.T Islands and DAY6 which had some overlap through Pop-Rock genre. (Though I’ve seen more them appears in scandals than anywhere else) and Dreamcatcher is kinda borderline selling-out.

Also. I’ve seen people comparing Dreamcatcher to WAGAMAMARAKIA but that is quite a stretch imo.

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is a vkei band coming to canada this year or

so we had some weird thankfully deleted takes about the declining birth rate problem in Japan and what “young adults” could do against it and also even suggestions like banning abortion contraception and porn.

a quick reminder: Japan has a unhealthy work culture which expects a lot of your time even often in non-paid overhours and people still struggling to have a high enough amount of money to raise kids with it.

so all of you people with those takes, you should realise that the problem is not in young people not getting children but in a society which is not friendly for families and need to improve on terms of getting more family friendly and possibly raising wages.

we don’t need children
we need happy families


I randomly went to Habbo Hotel to reminisce on my childhood after talking about it with a friend, I wasn’t sure if it was still even a thing. It was so dead that it was actually eerie. The first thing I saw was three adults just talking about their jobs with each other and the rest was just people standing there not doing or saying anything and every room was pretty much dead. I feel like I just witnessed the Habbo apocalypse and it was sad. RIP Habbo Hotel, you will be remembered forever :pensive::pray::broken_heart:


I went to the store to get some drinks and on the way there stumbled across a free concert held at the town centre. I had time so I sat through 2 bands and I might actually look into one (or maybe both) of them more, they sounded great live and had a good energy performing.
Moral of the story: go outside every once in a while and listen to live music even if you’re not familiar with the bands!


it was me who start that unwanted discussion. i’m so sorry if what i did was wrong. :pensive: :pensive: :pensive:

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between the new cali≠gari album and the new Final Fantasy game, i just might succumb to 16 fever this week




My cowoker said “Boochie” today and i cant stop laughing

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Sometimes our depression is in part due to our own pride. That’s hard to hear. But that’s only the case some times. I know how that shit goes tho. Prolly more than a lot of ppl. Shits rough out here.

Yall keep going tho. Don’t give up.


dear internet browser
please stop giving me adverts for fucking hearing aids

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Where do I find the JRock one App again? It just dissapeard from my My Phone and I so not find it :skull::pensive:

You can install it again from your browser. There should be an option like “Add to Phone”.

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