Random thoughts thread


Yeah, people are getting too extreme on hating Taylor for nothing. This was just too bad. They started screaming “Taylor is dead” in front of Charli, on her own concert - without letting her what this meant in portuguese. So I just… made her know lol

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It was still under the Noir du’Soleil name, just him solo - and most new material I think was never recorded, only performed live. Unless he had some tracks on myspace (which may as well be lost media now).

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So I was playing Kantou Dogeza Kumiai and I could pinpoint the moment that something clicked in my daughter’s head. She normally isn’t all that interested in what I’m playing, but she is interested in the noise. Today she actually looked at my left hand, then my right hand, then my left hand, and listened for an entire minute before taking the pick out of my hand and wanting to try.

Get 'em when they’re young!


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Ufotable, you pulled one of the most head ass moves ever. Why is the infinity castle separated into THREE DAMN MOVIES?! There’s a whole-ass arc after infinity castle, what you gonna make that into a movie too? The Hashira arc movie was literally the last episode of season 3 and the first ep of season 4 back to back.

tanuki really do be fucking bands up this week smh


Now I need a collab

Now that Jiluka is having success in Europe with his tour, it’s time for Dir en Grey to get motivated at festivals, re-open to the international scale.


For anyone who is constantly experiencing Apple Devices shitware crashing on Windows 10 and 11 starting with an update around mid-2024, fear not. You are not alone. I think I found a workaround but it’s not 100%.

If you don’t know, Apple finally decided to break iTunes down into several different apps after finally getting that application’s act together. iTunes syncing capabilities got moved into this terrible software that likes to crash through a sync. And by “likes to crash”, I mean it crashes 100% of the time if you let Apple Devices manage copying data to the device.

I can count on one hand how many times an automatic sync has finished. Seriously.

My workaround is to manually move items onto the iPod. Found out this also combos with the option to convert down lossless items on the fly. I limit the sync to a few hundred songs at a time. It crashes still, but 20-30% of the time instead of 100%.

From what I can tell, the problem might be in AMPDevicesAgent, which is a daemon spawned by another process, also confusingly called AMPDevicesAgent.

As you can see, it’s doing all the processing, so whatever is causing the sync to abort is happening in this process most likely.

Apple, fix your fucking programs. It’s been months of this behavior with radio silence on your end. I know you treat Windows as a second class platform, but at least pretend to give a fuck. Apple Music is so obnoxiously slow, I can’t believe it made it out of any testing at all without anyone thinking “perhaps a ten second load time off an SSD on modern hardware in 2024 is too slow”. And, as I’ve elaborated, Apple Devices is total shit. How far the mark has fallen since Job’s death.

Oh, and as I was typing up that last cheeky remark, the damn shitware closed AGAIN. And I was able to confirm that AMPDevicesAgent disappears about a half a second before the Apple Devices daemon shuts down, and then the entire process disappears from the Task Manager. So the problem is in AMPDevicesAgent.

There, I did your job for you Apple. Do me a solid and fix it.

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It’s canon now :sob::sob::sob:


So what Laputa releases are available in your region on Spotify? For your reference, I’m from the US.


or maybe someone uploaded it illegally, it happens sometimes.

Germany, I see the same stuff you see plus 3 more Albums:

Cakera (1999)
Emadara (1997)
Kagerou (1996)


Interestingly, this has the copy right info for EMI Music Japan Inc. on it. What an odd assortment of releases to choose though.

Either way, it just got a lot easier for me to proselytize Laputa, so I will be taking advantage of this.


I probably sound like I’m obsessed (I am… i am obsessed though, not going to deny it) but every time I think that AI prompt addicts can’t get dumber than they were yesterday, the abyss unfurls another flock of completely braindead loons right at me and I stare and howl… howl and stare…

like, I used to think certain types of gamers and like marvel stans were emotionally stunted, I apologize profusely…

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After two weeks of fighting the German customs authorities, I got my package and paid nothing.

How did you do that?

German customs confiscated my package and charged me 782 euros (Luftfrachtkosten) to pay that shit tax. I sent an email to fedEx about this attempted theft by the customs authorities. make no sense to pay an amount that is 300% above the value of the whole package. There was an investigation and they made this mistake, so FedEx delivered my package without charging me.


I wonder if they got suspicious because they see your name so much

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Every month 2 big packages, could be lol but isnt right, german tax imports is 19% lol

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