Random thoughts thread

What an ending.

It would be nuts if he actually is 132cm, because he looks really small. not trying to be mean or anything but he has always looked much smaller than for examle Kyo and Ruki to me.

I remembered this post I shared on Instagram. Idk if I’ve shown it here


considered treating myself to an ice cream on my bday → realized it would suck to have my dumb attempt at a happy bday ruined by some random → decided to stay inside & celebrate it the next day



happy birthday!! :blush:

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@shigai @colorfuljinsei aww thanks! <33

in my attempts to cheer myself up I ended up remembering that for a couple of years my and my friends’ inside joke was that I would invariably share NEWS - Happy Birthday.mp3 on birthdays so I went to listen to it for the first time in like a decade and it’s even cringier than I remember so yea I will leave y’all with this gift

it’s cute! my depressed teen self loved NEWS for being moodliftingly cute. but its also cringe honestly lol



Also happy birthday Anon308 thank you for brightening up my weekday by unlocking a core memory!!

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…So I apparently cannot delete a post :smiling_face_with_tear: the internet truly is forever.

Omg you just did the same to me :joy:

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You can change it thou

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Yeah, but now there is a record of me being a dumbass :smiling_face_with_tear:

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YESSSSSSSSSSSS Thats the one haha best known in jrock circles as the boygroup Taka frm OOR was a part of for a hot minute lol I was a big fan of theirs too bad members kept leaving.

My core memory involving weeeeek was being in hs one day waiting for theteacher to arrive and listening to it in my earphones, then removing the earphones and still hearing It thought I had gone mad before asking my friend “do you hea a song … ?” and them being “oh yes ___ is listening to a song on speakers” lol it was so big

Thanks so much for the hbd and for unlocking a memory too bc I did NOT remember the meme :smile:

@Dorian um no Idea what u posted for what its worth edit history can only be viewed by u I believe :upside_down_face:

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I just fumbled and posted basically the same comment twice :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

be me
extremely altered mind
cooking dinner, potato salad
meant to add 1tbsp paprika
add 1 cup gochujang “because it’s red”

it’s Fine. This Is Fine,

(maybe i’ll go pick up tacos :sob:)

1 cup? oh dear :joy::joy:

I want to eat Buldak, but i cannot stomach Buldak. sad

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I honestly can not believe someome uses the whole packet of the hot thing when making Buldak. Even 1/4 of it is spicier than Shin Ramyun which is also too spicy whole.


whenever I get into an argument w a psych / med pro and they say theyre unable to evaluate a patient objectively ie can’t do the fkn job they’re supposedly trained and paid to do and think theyre hot shit 4 admitting to that I need to supress the urge to reply ‘skill issue’ very hard

some flights to japan are stupid cheap right now, but not during the time honmeiban is having their tour final :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: its fine, I should be saving that money for my planned trip next year anyway…