Random thoughts thread




it’s a shitty angle that a kpop stan has cherry picked to defend their asian darling, and anyway he looks like an artist rendering of Jimin if anything:

if ppl have no problem showing this to public I see no problem with Oli’s face :confused:

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Look like Chucky :rofl:
Mom have nightmare yesterday dream my make up melting my face

Lady and Gentlemen the boys and girls welcome to international review from 2022

Ugly men Universal ! :tada:

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The winner of this beauty contest will be after one commercials

His face reminds me more of MJ…

Probably had the same guy working on their nose job


I wonder sometimes if there’s a point where he and Matt Kuwata, who is going in the opposite direction, will start to overlap.

Granted, Matt seems to be intentionally going for more of an uncanny valley look.


:rofl: I think the same LMFAO

there is!!! :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down:


If he wants to get a bunch of surgery to change how his face looks then that’s on him. Ultimately, he has to live with himself. I just think that I would feel differently if I put myself in his position. When given the ultimate power to change anything about yourself through surgery, it takes a mountain of willpower to stop. That’s why I don’t think he’ll ever stop. There will always be something that can be changed and improved to inch him closer to his goal, but I don’t think he’ll ever reach it.

That aside, he lost me with his racial transition and kor/ean pronouns. I got a limit apparently and that’s about it.

Anyone heard smth from Gallo?
Kinda worried about a break Up :sob:

Thats from 14th January
Is that new enough


I really don’t want to judge the artist as a artist myself
But that a big yikes :grimacing:

Why shouldn’t I write with a 12 year old, i am not 45, i identify as 12

You understand the problematic?

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wait what

that’s the whole point, whoever did that made a worse caricature than anything I would have done if I tried (disclaimer - I hate kpop); Oli’s look is that exact “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” thing, I really don’t think he would do it for publicity alone, there’re much easier and cheaper ways to get clout.

I really don’t see the problem with his age thing, public people (and both men and women on, like, dating apps) trim off their age like not a big deal and expect everyone to believe the fallacy.

I did some numerology for Tila Tequila recently and based on the numbers I got VS her public age I think she is 4 years older than she claims to be, and that’s like just one hypothetic example. there’re receipts on people who actually go as far as spoof their bio age in legal papers and what not, no one cares.


he knows how to rile twitter up.

kor/ean pronouns and his “trans racial” (it should be trans-ethnic anyway, transracial people is smth else) shtick is shit that reliably explodes people which to me is a kiii because he neither kills people nor rapes anyone which can’t be said about many other highly praised trans* people.


It all might be a joke and sarcasm in the end but the last ten years has shown me that Poe’s Law is in full effect on the internet. There is a serious inability to distinguish sarcasm from truth through text communication alone. Someone starts pushing an idea or a belief and at first it seems really out there and that it will never catch on, but if you apply continuous pressure and get even a bit of support you can get people to cave in if they don’t think it’s worth the energy to push back. Small concessions over a long period of time is how anything gets done these days.

He might be playing everyone for a fool and raking in the media attention, money, and connects from that, but I think he’s playing a dangerous game. He’s going to normalize his “trans racial” beliefs to a group of impressionable young people that will carry the torch forward and try to normalize it. The movie Inception got one thing right for sure - killing off an idea is hard. Once the ball gets rolling there may be no stopping it.

I also think it’s creepy and parasitic. I’d keep two guns on me at all times if someone told me that there’s some deluded person out there in a dingy corner of the internet who underwent massive amounts of cosmetic surgery to resemble me as much as possible. I always joke that one day Jimin is going to disappear and Oli will show up in a skin suit and then the transformation will be complete.

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I don’t think it’s either, he lives in his own world and by the rules of his world if he wants to be Korean he would go and buy a korean face with all the surgical tuning that locals get over there. I think at worst he’s promoting consumerist approach to the culture, but I get where he comes from if he says he enjoyed his life in Korea more than his life before that in Britain, for example.

would you agree that doing so will make for a more cosmopolitan world with less boundaries and racial hang-ups VS the world with largely white supremacy ridden politics we descend in through 2010s—>… again?

I don’t think he’s selling his koreanness by the way, I think he knows how to work the internet outrage over his person to get himself recognizable, it’s a bit different.

I really like how you worded that, but I’ll say it again, we live in a world where gender, race, sex, sexual orientation all have potential to be appropriated, resold, and capitalized off without sharing any benefit with the source (not to mention the generous history of discrimination around each one of those), and there is not a single Korean person who lost revenue, who didn’t get promoted or who got discriminated in some way because Oli took their place instead. I actually would say Oli probably benefits the korean beauty industry by promoting flying there for a quick face fix even more.

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Interesting points!

I don’t think it’s either, he lives in his own world and his world if he wants to be Korean he would go and buy a korean face with all the surgical tuning that locals get over there. I think at worst he’s promoting consumerist approach to the culture, but I get where he comes from if he says he enjoyed his life in Korea more than his life before that in Britain, for example.

We are so connected via the Internet that nothing we do exists in a vacuum, especially if you plaster it all over social media with the intent of getting attention, evoking outrage, and getting your dopamine fix. If we consider just how long we think humanity has been around since the agricultural revolution, social media is still in its infancy. There is no way that we understand all of the side-effects constant social media exposure has on our outlook, mood, and decision-making process. I’ll take a guess and wager that it’s not all good.

The thing about constant amplification of outrage is that it makes things look bigger and more serious than they might be. I want to separate the surgeries and the desire to “be Korean” from the attention seeking behavior. If he had the surgeries and was living his best life in relative anonymity, I would think it’s a bit weird but I probably wouldn’t care. The fact that he’s out here promoting trans-racial nonsense seeking validation from others and that people are accepting it is the problem to me. If you have to go that hard in seeking validation in others to reaffirm your beliefs, do you really believe what you profess?

I try to be open-minded, but not so open-minded my brain falls out.

I might touch on this later but I’ll point it out now: you can enjoy a culture without switching race. Enjoying your time in Korea more than in Britain is completely valid, but it doesn’t support or justify the conclusion he’s drawing.

would you agree that doing so will make for a more cosmopolitan world with less boundaries and racial hang-ups VS the world with largely white supremacy ridden politics we descend in through 2010s—>… again?

I don’t think he’s selling his koreanness by the way, I think he knows how to work the internet outrage over his person to get himself recognizable, it’s a bit different.

I…do not know. I was going to type out a long tangent in my original response, but basically I said that race is a societal construct IMO and I’d rather throw the whole concept out before reinforcing the barriers these concepts create to break one down, point, and say “Look at me! I did a good job!”. That’s what this reeks of to me.

I am also willing to seek correction on this next point but here I go into deeper waters. When I read Oli’s arguments defending his stance, it literally looks like he appropriated pro-transgender arguments and replaced gender with race and thinks it’ll pass muster. Gender and race are literally two different things with disjoint sets of struggles and yet he has gender pronouns for a race? Does that really make sense?

Like I said before, I think race is a societal construct that has real implications on our lives because we reinforce it. Throw the whole thing out. I don’t know what race you are and I’ve known you for a decade and I do not care. It literally does not and should not matter. I absolutely hate living in a society where this social construct creeps its way into every conversation and interaction I have, so I am down for a more cosmopolitan world, but I do not think this is the way. I think it poisons the conversation around both race and gender in various ways, because they’re being treated similarly in ways they should not. In fact, they are more different than alike to me.

I think it’s more troubling that he wants to look like Jimin specifically, and that’s speaks to a lot more than I have time to go into. It’s a lot more than just wanting to be Korean.

I really like how you worded that, but I’ll say it again, we live in a world where gender, race, sex, sexual orientation all have potential to be appropriated, resold, and capitalized off without sharing any benefit with the source (not to mention the generous history of discrimination around each one of those), and there is not a single Korean person who lost revenue, who didn’t get promoted or who got discriminated in some way because Oli took their place instead. I actually would say Oli probably benefits the korean beauty industry by promoting flying there for a quick face fix even more.

When I wrote that, I was thinking of other races other than Korean, and I was thinking of the future and not the past. Everything you said is true, but it doesn’t make me feel any differently about it. As someone whose very existence is steeped in this shit, I can tell you that I think about it all the time. I have to. That’s why I want to set it on fire. I don’t think “trans-racial” theory is going to set us down the path to total or even partial unification. I feel like this is mistaking the bullet train barreling at you for the light at the end of the tunnel, and we’d be too far from the escape exit once we realize the situation is no good.


Nah No, i didn’t Heard any news for sich a time and since I don’t use Twitter for VK I though they aren’t doing much these days;-; but seems Not to be the case

I May should Twitter First… lol but I kinda forget it :eyes: