sukekiyo New Audio & Video Compilation "Ius Cerebri" & "Sinistro Cerebrum"

sukekiyo announced the release of a new audio and video compilation “Ius Cerebri” and “Sinistro Cerebrum”, releasing July 24.
According to the translated description it’s going to be a “collection of songs and videos created by sukekiyo since its inception”.


interesting :star_struck:

erosio was so good I’m thirsting for whatever they’ll give me

hmm is this just AVERAGE EROTICISM Vol 1 & 2 or something actually interesting?? we’ll see

Smells like a compilation to me, but now I’m just trying to figure out which sukekiyo songs are right-brained vs left-brained.

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So, a best album/best dvd kind of thing.
Seems fitting after their 10th anniversary

A scary thought occurred to me: this could be Erosio’s live release, spread out between two releases & diluted with an archive of their PVs. My wallet quivers with anxiety.

I love that “audio and video compilation” can mean absolutely anything


inb4 it’s a collection of recordings “shot-in-one-take”


what does it mean

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Am I missing something or where’s the confusion in this thread coming from? This is a best-of release, made up of an audio part and a video part. One title for each, but released as a bundle, consisting of old tracks and footage. At least that’s my understanding.

The terminology “audio and video compilation” has been used by them for a long time to denote those releases where there’s a bigger audio part. If it’s mainly a video release with some additional audio, such as PASSIO, it’s called “video and audio compilation”.


I hope they’re rerecordings or reinterpretations

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My pessimistic/realistic prediction is that it’ll only be previously released songs… but my optimistic side is hoping for maybe a track or two that’s either new or newly re-recorded (from those previously dropped demo tracks).

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Yeah, I find it amazing that Valentina still exist only in demo form

DISC 1 『Ius Cerebri』 [CD]

  1. Scarlet
  2. 白濁 -hakudaku-
  3. 鵠 -kugui-
  4. Candis
  5. aftermath
  6. ただ、まだ、私。 -tada, mada, watashi.-
  7. dorothy
  8. 艶 -en-
  9. focus
  10. 雨上がりの優詩 -ameagari no yuushi-
  11. 黝いヒステリア -aoguroi hysteria-
  12. MOAN
  13. Valentina
  14. zephyr [Re-recorded]

DISC 2 『Sinistro Cerebrum』 [CD]

  1. 斑人間 -madara ningen-
  2. 畏畏 -kashikomi kashikomi-
  3. 擬似ネクロマンサー -giji necromancer-
  4. 12時20分金輪際 -12 ji 20 pun konrinzai-
  5. 耳ゾゾ -mimi zozo-
  6. 漂白フレーバー -hyouhaku flavour-
  7. 猥雑 -waizatsu-
  8. 訪問者X -houmonsha X-
  9. アナタヨリウエ -anata yori ue-
  10. Creeper
  11. 接触 -sesshoku-
  12. 嬲り -naburi- [Re-recorded]
  13. in all weathers

DISC 3 [Blu-ray]
◆ Music Video
・漂白フレーバー -hyouhaku flavour-
・嬲り -naburi- (Extra Clip)

◆ Live Footage
sukekiyo TOUR2023 「Nuimasu, Ruisen wo.」
2023.2.16 Namba Hatch
2023.2.23 Kanda Square Hall

  1. 艶 -en-
  2. kisses
  3. 黝いヒステリア -aoguroi hysteria-
  4. 触れさせる -furesaseru-
  5. session
  6. 死霊のアリアナ -shiryou no ariana-
  7. 本能お断り -honnou okotowari-
  8. 猥雑 -waizatsu-

◆ Documentary Footage


Once again, a sukekiyo release I’d love to buy but way too expensive for me. I’ll wait for the regular edition!

Hmmm not too bad I guess, kinda what I expected.

For all the people like me who only keep up with and listen to the band’s regular albums and singles (and not all the bells-and-whistles demos and extras and such), these tracks might be of interest the most:

  • Valentina (dunno if it’s just the demo version or different?)
  • 接触 -sesshoku- (same question)
  • the two re-recordings

The rest all seem to be previously released on the main discs of albums and singles.

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I knew they had at least a couple of secrets to hide!!

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I was hoping for more re-recordings tbh…

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Gorgeous as always.

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