sukekiyo announced the release of a new audio and video compilation “Ius Cerebri” and “Sinistro Cerebrum”, releasing July 24.
According to the translated description it’s going to be a “collection of songs and videos created by sukekiyo since its inception”.
A scary thought occurred to me: this could be Erosio’s live release, spread out between two releases & diluted with an archive of their PVs. My wallet quivers with anxiety.
Am I missing something or where’s the confusion in this thread coming from? This is a best-of release, made up of an audio part and a video part. One title for each, but released as a bundle, consisting of old tracks and footage. At least that’s my understanding.
The terminology “audio and video compilation” has been used by them for a long time to denote those releases where there’s a bigger audio part. If it’s mainly a video release with some additional audio, such as PASSIO, it’s called “video and audio compilation”.
My pessimistic/realistic prediction is that it’ll only be previously released songs… but my optimistic side is hoping for maybe a track or two that’s either new or newly re-recorded (from those previously dropped demo tracks).
For all the people like me who only keep up with and listen to the band’s regular albums and singles (and not all the bells-and-whistles demos and extras and such), these tracks might be of interest the most:
Valentina (dunno if it’s just the demo version or different?)
接触 -sesshoku- (same question)
the two re-recordings
The rest all seem to be previously released on the main discs of albums and singles.