sukekiyo New Audio & Video Compilation "Ius Cerebri" & "Sinistro Cerebrum"

I called that we would get the complete version of valentina this year on the prediction thread. Another point for me lol


The Perfection is coming, who are u dir en grey lol

not more then DAVID~SUI :rofl: 13200 yen around 80 EUR is quite okay for 2CD+Blu-ray+ NeSTREAM LIVE CARD

i am thinking to buy this one :heart:

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Yeah well, I don’t have an endless supply of money, so I have to make some choices :woman_shrugging:t2: but yeah, it’s not too bad, just not possible for me

Very nice visual too, especially for Kyo!

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moldy mario ass Kyo

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Finally they cleaned up that weird pandemic demo tape era.

Also, zephyr will receive new lyrics, Kyo said on Twitter that he finally got to correct a mistake in the lyrics he wrote ten years ago.
Wondering what that was.


Curious. I’m a bit skittish when it comes to their songs that they call “demos” getting an “official release” because I typically don’t like how they change the songs. Valentina was such a hit already, so I can’t imagine it being better.
I had to go back and listen to Sesshoku because I forgot how that one went.

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Maybe Mimizozo and hysteria are the original versions?

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Woah they really value scarlet high. Its easily one of their best songs.

Preorders are up on CDJapan!

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This price, ouch

With the proxy fee and delivery it will get well over 15k jpy, not even considering taxes

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I paid ~130€ including VAT and fees :woozy_face:

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I’m gonna wait and preorder only when there is an cupon. Unfortunately, I just burned 2000 points on the best of Femme Fatale

via proxy service… CDJapan will make cost more with their fees lol

I will order via FROMJAPAN so much better then cdjapan :smiley:

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The proxy fees are pretty insignificant actually, they only make up about 7% of the total :man_shrugging:


True, what i know FJ is 300yen per item i think in other is the same, but the member rank in FJ u will always get discounts in orders also to international shipping + you can change the invoice prices to avoid high customs tax.


Damn they are the masters of squeezing money out of their fans…

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Hmmm, that’s interesting. The ability to change the invoice for something affordable is an game changer. There is some time till the release, gonna do some digging and maybe try FromJapan

Haha yep, or just be like me who hasn’t bought anything of theirs since Infinitum came out. Still listen to what they have on Spotify but those prices are too much, but if people wanna keep letting the band mug them off then up to them I guess. Haha.

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I don’t get why tho. I know jrockers aren’t the richest people out there but Kyo should be loaded at this point.